2 Jan 2012 - QA 17

How to tell someone to do basic course when you know it is very good for them?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, I also don’t know.
You think of ways of how you can convince someone to do it. Best is not to explain too much, simply tell them that it is very good, just do it. Two sentences are good, ‘it is something which is very good and I did it and you also do it. I am not going to tell you what it is.’
That does more wonder than trying to explain to them how breathing is good and only by breathing you can be alive, etc., because when people know what is good for them, they still don’t do it. But when you say that this is so nice and something surprising, then the surprises people like to do and they catch it. So that’s what you should say, ‘there is something surprising, I don’t want to tell you, you just do it.’ Then the mind is curious and they want to find out what it is.
So all of you do the same, don’t explain anything about the basic course or what you have done. You should simply create surprise, ‘you know I did something very surprising and it was fantastic. You just do it.’
They will ask, 'what is it? tell me!' But you say, ‘I can’t tell you, you just do it.’
Again they will ask, 'please tell us', say, ‘no way, I cannot tell you. It is difficult to explain, you just do it. It is so superb.’