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  1. Hate And Bitterness Will Destroy You

    (Below is a continuation of the post The Spiritual Principle Of Honesty) Dear Gurudev, please say something about in-laws. Nowadays, people hate their in-laws. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, this is a very common thing. In India, we had a program with about 2 ...
  2. The Spiritual Principle Of Honesty

    Dearest Gurudev, it is possible to restore trust in a relationship after a partner cheats? How to get past a cheating partner? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I can tell you one thing, suppose you were in your partner’s place and you made a mistake; not willingly b ...
  3. Prayer Is A Happening

    (Below is a continuation of the post India: Way Forward) I am 21 year old girl in the second year in the college. I find Starbucks more interesting than visiting temples. How can I cultivate an interest in Gods? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You cannot cultivate ...
  4. India: Way Forward

    (Read Gurudev's Message on India's Independence Day - 15 August 2013) India has always had power, and it is because the spirituality of India. We need to bring forward the image of our nation as a secure and strong country. And it is everyone’s responsibi ...
  5. The Time Of Your Life: Invest It Wisely

    (Below is a continuation of the post The Blessing Of Wealth) Can one be free from this world by reading scriptures? Or should one stop reading for salvation? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When you know then why do you ask? (Referring to the teachings of Saint Kab ...
  6. Sri Sri's Message On Janmashtami

    The message of Janmashtami is simply this: when Lord Krishna is born, there is joy and celebration everywhere. Every heart, every mind, every home is filled with joy and happiness.Tomorrow we shall celebrate Annakuut (a festival in Gujarat that celebrates ...
  7. The Blessing Of Wealth

    When bhajan is happening, close your eyes and dissolve in the sound. Don’t see here and there, or at people’s faces. Don't see who is opening their mouth, who is laughing, who is looking up, who is looking down. There is no use in seeing all this. Close y ...
  8. The Good Anger And The Bad Anger

    Q: Gurudev, anger is both a weapon and a weakness. Many times anger erupts like a fiery weapon, but in those moments how can one prevent it from becoming one’s own weakness? Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Do you know why you feel angry? You feel angry beca ...
  9. God Dwells In Every Heart

    (Below is a continuation of the post You Are Responsible For Your Own Happiness) Dear Gurudev, can you give us proof of heaven and God? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: First give me proof that you have a mind! Give me proof that you exist. You may be dreaming! Are ...
  10. You Are Responsible For Your Own Happiness

    Dear Gurudev, how can I keep my ego and anger from hurting others around me? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Listen, if your are sensitive and your intention is not to hurt anybody, that is good enough. But sometimes in spite of your being so cautious, some people ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More