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  1. Repose in the self

    Anandautsav with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at Goa Gurudev, if someone criticizes us, how should we deal with them? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Give that person a surprise. Tell them, ‘wow, you said such wonderful things! How did you figure out these facts?’ T ...
  2. The voice of the public should be heard

    I would want that the fast to not be prolonged and the government to quickly agree to the demands to revise and improve the Jan (peoples’) Lokpal Bill. Tomorrow Annaji will reach Ramlila Maidan. The youth are busy making preparations for his stay there. I ...
  3. Everyone to give at least 3% of their earning for social projects; we must share

    We need to know from everyone. Perception has to be multi-direction. One-sided vision will not have so from various angles when we see a situation we become richer in our understanding. Why not we do an exercise?! Can we just turn to the person next to us ...
  4. Opposite values are complementary

    Is there any such thing like we have done something wrong and that is why we have to suffer now and maybe after we die? If we do something wrong now, do we have to suffer next life? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: First of all you must know that those who died they ...
  5. “When we are involved in activity, we should feel that nothing is okay. But when we are in meditation, we should feel that everything is fine.”

    Mind is restless. How to control it? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Through practice and experience the mind will settle down. It is through experience that one feels dispassion/detachment (vairaagya). What is dispassion? As a child, you would get excited about cot ...
  6. Satsang with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Sept 6,2011

    The transcript of this satsang will be added soon... ...
  7. Satsang with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Sept 5,2011

    The transcript of this satsang will be added soon... ...
  8. "You yourself are Shaastra. If you study your consciousness, your mind, that is what is in the Shaastra."

    We succumb to the illusion that we are yogi, bhogi (epicurean). No one can equal me, I did this, I did that! People who make such declarations are confining themselves to a limited identity. Any type of identification limits your potential. You are so vast ...
  9. Take refuge in me, then I will rid you of all sins.

      Sharing: Guruji, I want to share an experience in front of everybody. I apparently had this health problem called systemic lupus erythematosus. It is a weird autoimmune disorder for which the doctors said that for the rest of my life I will have to be on ...
  10. The bondage of karma lasts only as long as the wave finds itself separate from the ocean

      Today is the Jain festival of Kshamavani – ‘michhami dukkadam’.Today the Jains ask for forgiveness from each other and from everybody.‘Knowingly or unknowingly, I may have done something that might have hurt you. It would have brought some pain to you so ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More