
Celebrate and Meditate Every Month with this Full Moon Meditation!


By Denise Everheart┃Updated on : December 04, 2020

Can the full moon enhance your meditation? Yes! Here’s how to celebrate and meditate every month with this full moon meditation!

The moon has quite a mysterious reputation! Certainly known as a romancer, and a force that seemingly increases births when it is full. Not to mention the moon’s effects on menstrual cycles. Even an increase in crime rates has been blamed on a full moon. But ask anyone in meditation circles and the effects of the moon are known as an enhancer for meditation.

The science behind the moon and our mind

Ok, so there isn’t much science behind the effects of the moon on our minds! Scientists can’t seem to agree because the data isn’t consistent. There seems to be a pattern of behaviors connected to moon cycles, but nothing duplicatable in research studies. The most agreeable scientific perspective is that there may be a connection between the gravitational pull of the moon, like with the ocean tides. This makes sense as our bodies contain about two-thirds water.

For a spiritual perspective check out this video of the Art of Living founder Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar answering the question- Do the moon and the planets affect our mind? 

With or without the backing of science, let’s explore the positive energy of the moon!

Moonbeams and meditation

The positive energy of the moon is something to be felt. It is more than just the light of the moon! The moon’s cooling energy creates the perfect setting for meditating. You don’t even need to be able to see the light of the moon, the energy penetrates clouds, fog, and even walls.

In fact, a lunar eclipse - when the rays of moonlight are blocked for a brief period of time - is the most powerful time for meditation. One meditation session during a lunar eclipse is known to be multiplied by a hundred times. Imagine that, one meditation during an eclipse is equal to 100 meditations!

Moon cycles and sleep cycles

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night to find the light of a full moon resting on your face? Or maybe you weren’t even able to fall asleep, and later discover it was a full moon night. Lunar energy, although subtle, can have a real effect on sleep patterns. 

Try drinking a cup of warm golden milk before bed. You can also limit your exposure by closing your curtains, or embrace the divine light and take a moon bath.

Warning: Moon baths can lead to an increase in energy and potential sleeplessness!

Celebrating the moon

Since the beginning of time, humanity has been celebrating the spiritual energy of the moon. Native Americans are known to celebrate with a moon dance. Ramadan starts with a crescent moon. Guru Purnima and Buddha Purnima coincide with specific full moons. Holi, a popular Hindu festival in the spring, also occurs on the full moon. In the Jewish tradition, the new moon marks a new month. Hebrew Rosh Hodesh is a minor festival where fasting and mourning are not allowed. And farmers worldwide celebrate the harvest moon at the end of the growing season.

Benefiting from the spiritual energy of a full moon is easy with this guided meditation led by world-renown meditation master, Gurudev. You can also find this full moon meditation in the Art of Living Journey app!

Another way to celebrate the glory of a full moon is to have a meditation party! I’m known for my Women’s Full Moon gatherings, always featuring Gurudev’s full moon meditation. A monthly group meditation is a beautiful way to bring community together and enjoy an evening connecting with others. Sometimes I include men in the gathering so they don’t feel excluded, though they could do their own gathering. Imagine a bonfire and howling at the moon. Wink, wink!

Be sure to include some breathwork before your full moon meditation. Try these 7 relaxing breathing exercises here. You can also learn about the power of sound for meditation and include chanting before the guided meditation gathering.

I love to serve ‘moon tea’ at these group meditations. Made just like sun tea, except moon tea is brewed under the night sky right before a full moon. I use peppermint tea bags (caffeine-free) and serve it chilled and lightly sweetened with coconut nectar. In colder months the tea can be served at room temperature.

Full moon parties can also be done virtually online, minus the ‘moon tea’!

Beyond the light of the moon

What lies beyond the light of the moon? I am reminded of a poem by Gurudev in the book, Drops of Light. His words perfectly describe the experience of deep meditation and blossoming consciousness.

Beautiful, isn’t it?

Beyond Breath

When you’re not meditating to the full moon guided meditation you can use your breath as a tool for meditation with SKY Breath Meditation. In fact, SKY is a 2-for-1 practice using specific breathing patterns for deep meditation. SKY is healing for your body, mind, and spirit! An excellent, effortless tool for managing emotions, enhanced deep sleep, greater mental focus, healthier blood pressure, and improved immune system! A meditation technique benefitting your whole life! 

For more information about SKY Breath Meditation, you can attend a free breath and meditation live online session, Beyond Breath with a trained meditation instructor. You will learn a powerful breathing technique and experience a relaxing guided meditation while also learning more about SKY. 

So the next time there is a full moon-, breathe, meditate, and celebrate life!

Denise Everheart is a freelance writer, breath meditation coach, party planner, and recipe designer. Follow her @everheartstudio4meditation and @celeplateyourlife on Instagram.

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