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  1. When you become subtle in your mind and go deep in your heart, you turn vegetarian naturally

    Guruji tell us about Navratri and why we do all the yagyas and everything? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Navratri is special time where you invoke all the divine impulses. They’re all blessings. It’s an ancient way, in the yagyas all the five elements are used to ...
  2. The divine energy (shakti) inside alone can destroy all negative impulses

    Today is called the victory day, victory of the good over the evil because life has always been a struggle between the good and evil forces. And these nine days of celebration of Navaratri culminates on this tenth day which is called the victory day. That ...
  3. When you feel at a stage there is no point in doing any seva, mind is not even interested in doing sadhana, a sense of dryness has come in life, that’s when you pray.

    God is invisible and is untouched by any karma. Though he lives in every human being, in every embodied living being, in their heart, he is not afflicted by the karma. How? Like the space; in the space clouds come, smoke come and they go but the space itse ...
  4. Life is a continuous process of teaching you to ‘let go’

    PhD Chambers – Delhi, 12 September 2011 This is what we need to do, simply come out of the table. If you are behind the table you are half known, out of the table you are fully there. Right! Someone asked me how do you manage this huge organization? 152 co ...
  5. Everything changes, but inside us there is an element that does not change. Just know this and accept all the changes.

    (A member of the audience asked a question and it was inaudible) Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: ‘Swaastika’ symbolizes the cycle. ‘Swaastha’ means established in the Self. ‘Swaastika’ means that which is healthy for humanity; that which contains all the four aspect ...
  6. 'Atma shakti (power of the Self) is much more powerful than any shapes and forms'

    (A member of the audience asked a question and it was inaudible) Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes. In Ashram everyone is needed, you can definitely do Seva. Whoever wishes to do Seva in the Ashram, come and talk to the Seva administrator and say how many months, ...
  7. Repose in the self

    Anandautsav with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at Goa Gurudev, if someone criticizes us, how should we deal with them? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Give that person a surprise. Tell them, ‘wow, you said such wonderful things! How did you figure out these facts?’ T ...
  8. The voice of the public should be heard

    I would want that the fast to not be prolonged and the government to quickly agree to the demands to revise and improve the Jan (peoples’) Lokpal Bill. Tomorrow Annaji will reach Ramlila Maidan. The youth are busy making preparations for his stay there. I ...
  9. Everyone to give at least 3% of their earning for social projects; we must share

    We need to know from everyone. Perception has to be multi-direction. One-sided vision will not have so from various angles when we see a situation we become richer in our understanding. Why not we do an exercise?! Can we just turn to the person next to us ...
  10. Opposite values are complementary

    Is there any such thing like we have done something wrong and that is why we have to suffer now and maybe after we die? If we do something wrong now, do we have to suffer next life? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: First of all you must know that those who died they ...