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  1. The Seven Centers of Energy (Chakras)

    Boone, North Carolina Gurudev, is sexual energy and meditative energy the same energy? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, it is only one energy in the body, but it manifests in different forms, in different chakras. Sexual energy, love energy, intellectual energy, ...
  2. From Religion To Spirituality

    Bad Anotgast, Germany Religion has become an obstacle in my life. I cannot move forward. What should I do? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Never mind. Move from religion to spirituality. You are a spiritual being, and that is good enough. Every religion has some nic ...
  3. Having A Perfect Vision

    Bangalore, India (Below is a continuation of the post What Really Is Sin?) The ninth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita is called the Raja-Vidhya Yoga or the Raja-Guhya Vidhya (the most supreme and confidential knowledge). A king (Raja) never makes too much effo ...
  4. Capture The Vast Sun In Your Little Mirror

    Bangalore, India (Below is a continuation of the post The Evolving Mind) 'Yasya nahankrto bhavo buddhir yasya na lipyate. Hatvapi sa imal lokan na hanti na nibadhyat'. (18.17) He says, ‘One whose intellect is free from the influence of Maya. (alipta-buddhi ...
  5. The Evolving Mind

    Bangalore, India There are three stages in the evolution of the mind. The first stage is being in Maya (illusion) and not knowing it. It means one is so caught up in Maya that one is not even aware of it. For example, someone has a certain Bhrama (delusion ...
  6. Remember Your True Identity

    Montreal, Canada   Gurudev, I want to be honest with my parents about my sexuality. Yet my fear of losing their love and support has been stopping me from being honest with them. Do I need to be compassionate and not burden my parents? Please guide me to a ...
  7. Are You Being Useful or Useless?

    Montreal, Canada Photo credit: Ted Abbott / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND   Dear Gurudev, what is it about seva that makes people dynamic versus doing office work? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: See, we have to do something and we keep doing something. When we do something, ...
  8. Three Levels of Spiritual Practices

    Montreal, Canada There are three levels of spiritual practices. This is something I have not spoken about before. The first one is called Anva Upaya. The second is Shakta Upaya, . and the third one is Shambava Upaya. . Shiva, Shakti and Anva. All practices ...
  9. Sri Sri's Message on Guru Purnima 2013

    (People from around the world joined the Guru Purnima celebrations with Gurudev at The Art of Living Ashram in Montreal, Canada, on July 22. What started with a short pooja, offering gratitude to the lineage of Masters, continued with some reminisces of se ...
  10. The Most Desired Transformation

    Geneva, Switzerland Your Excellency, and my dear ones and the audience. As Dr. Denis Broun just mentioned, crisis brings out the best and the worst in people. When the recent Himalayas tsunami happened, I didn’t tell any of the volunteers to go and do some ...