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  1. Mindfulness Vs Meditation: Know Both Well And Pick The Best For You

    By Sejal Shah  Debating between mindfulness vs meditation and unable to decide? Read on to find out about both and pick one (or both!) that best suits your needs. Are mindfulness and meditation the same? If they are the same, why are there two different t ...
  2. Learn The Secrets of Breathing Meditation: Get Calm and Clear Mind Now

    By Krystal Childrey  As research continues to show the benefits of deep meditation, more and more people are turning to the practice. While it’s great that more people are seeking out meditation, the reality is many people will give up on the practice bef ...
  3. How to Meditate: The First and Last Guide You'll Ever Need

    So, you want to give meditation a try, but may be wondering, “Where do I begin?” Don't worry, this is a great place to start. This guide will take you from A to Z through the many splendored (sometimes confusing) facets of meditation. It will help yo ...
  4. Simple Meditation Room Ideas to Take Your Practice to The Next Level

      By Jade Doherty | Posted on: December 28, 2020 So you need meditation room ideas? We’ve got you! Everything you need to know about creating a meditation space for yourself. Space matters, doesn't it? When you walk into a beautiful, calm, and though ...
  5. A Beginner’s Guide to Daily Meditation | The Art of Living

    Daily meditation — the practice of staying in the present moment and being mindful for a set period of time — has numerous health benefits. Still, few people set aside the time to meditate because they don’t feel like it or don’t know how to get started.  ...
  6. The Sacral Chakra: Discover and Align the Second Chakra

    By Jade Doherty Feeling uninspired and bored? It could be your Sacral Chakra or Svadhisthana Chakra. Here is your personal guide to balance the second chakra. What most resonates with you? Are you feeling: Bored, stuck, uncreative, uninspired, low libido, ...
  7. The Root Chakra: Your Personal Guide to Balance the First Chakra

    By Jade Doherty  Feeling stagnant or stuck? It could be your Root Chakra or Muladhara Chakra. Here is your personal guide to balancing the first chakra. What most resonates with you? Are you feeling: Stuck, stagnated, dull, lethargic, demotivated  Enthusi ...
  8. The Heart Chakra: Discover and Balance the Fourth Chakra

    By Jade Doherty Feeling scared or hurt? It could be your Heart Chakra or Anahata Chakra. Here is your personal guide to balance the fourth chakra. What most resonates with you? Are you feeling: Scared, fearful, hateful, panicked, horrified, hostile Loving ...