
Having Insomnia? These Yoga for Sleep Tips Can Help Fall Asleep Fast

Updated by : Sejal Shah I September 22, 2020

Click here to read Yoga For Sleep.

Insomnia epidemic

Sleep deprivation has officially become a public health problem, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. With around the clock access to technology and a culture that tends to prioritize work and "efficiency" over health and rest, Americans (and people around the globe) are increasingly sleep-deprived. Even worse, insomnia, for those attempting to sleep, is now a common chronic sleep disorder issue.

Lack of sleep, besides leading to the crankiness we remember so well from childhood, can cause or contribute to an array of chronic diseases, including hypertension, diabetes, depression, obesity, cancer, and increased mortality. Not to mention the lack of productivity and inability to think clearly that results from sleep loss. Yikes.

When we sleep, our body repairs on a cellular level, tissues grow and repair, energy is restored, and our brain receives deep rest. We all know that we should be getting between 6-8 hours of sleep per night. But between work, school, family, and keeping up with the swirl of technology and communication vying for our attention, sleeping 6-8 hours is easier said than done. Not just the number of hours of sleep, but sleep quality is also equally important.

Pro Tip: Turn off your cell phone and stop looking at all screens at least one hour before bed. The blue light emitted from screens tricks the brain into thinking it's still daytime, decreasing the secretion of the sleep hormone melatonin and preventing feelings of natural sleepiness.

Yoga for sleep

If getting adequate sleep is difficult for you and you want to learn how to fall asleep fast, yoga can help. Regular yoga practice is known to cure several ailments, including insomnia and abnormal sleeping habits. Yoga relieves stress and calms the central nervous system, allowing the body to reach a restful state in preparation for sleep and help you sleep better.

One of the best ways to develop healthy sleeping patterns and better sleep quality is to establish a relaxing bedtime routine. Before bed, give the following five yoga postures a try. These poses help release any excess stress from the day and calm the mind, allowing for a night of deep, rejuvenating sleep and deep relaxation.

Yoga sequence for better sleep

1) Cat Stretch ( Marjariasana ): Cat Stretch is an excellent stretch for spine flexibility. This pose helps massage the digestive organs and improve digestion. The posture also improves blood circulation and relaxes the mind.

2) Child Pose ( Shishuasana ): Child's Pose is a deeply relaxing stretch for the back and helps calm the nervous system.

3) Butterfly Pose ( Baddha Konasana ): Butterfly Pose removes fatigue from long hours of standing or walking. This posture provides a stretch for inner thighs, groin, and knees.

4) Forward BendForward Bend ( Hastapadasana ): stretches the back muscles, invigorates the nervous system by increasing blood supply and makes the spine supple.

5) Legs-up-the-wall Pose ( Viparita Karani ): Legs-up-the-wall Pose relieves tired legs and feet, helps increase blood supply to the brain, relieving mild headache, and calms the mind.

6) You may choose to include deep breathing, or Ujjayi breathing right before lying down to relieve tension and relax into a peaceful sleep.

7) In addition to the above poses, lying down in Shavasana (Corpse Pose) and Yoga Nidra-a guided meditation may help relax the entire system in preparation for sleep.

Besides these, there are many yoga poses that can help you in innumerable ways. Find our full yoga pose catalogue here.

Other tips to help you sleep better

Sleep experts often point to the efficacy of creating a standard bedtime routine in order to signal your body that it's time to prepare for sleep. Incorporating the above yoga routine either sometime during the day or right before bedtime along with following tips will find you sleeping well at night.

  1. Avoid watching a horror movie late at night. Instead, listen to soft instrumental music, chants or knowledge before getting ready to sleep.

  2. Avoid sleeping during the daytime, as doing so disrupts the biological clock. Ideally, meditating once first thing in the morning, and once in the afternoon for twenty minutes, and then sleeping at night for a minimum of eight hours is ideal.

  3. Finish eating dinner by 8 or 8.30 pm at the latest and wait at least two hours before falling asleep.

  4. Before sleep, reflect on your day. Feel content, pray, and go to sleep with a happy, relaxed mind.

  5. Make sure to sort out any disagreements with loved ones before falling asleep. Going to bed with unfinished business can lead to disturbed sleep.

  6. Avoid taking stimulants past 2 pm, especially if you suffer from insomnia.

  7. You may also want to refer to this meditation sleep guide to understand how meditation can help sleep better.

  8. You may also want to learn a special breathing practice - SKY Breath Meditation that has helped thousands of people improve their sleep. Research finding also suggests an important role of SKY for insomnia and sleep disturbance. To learn more about SKY, join Beyond Breath - a free online intro session with a live instructor and get all your questions answered.

Wishing you a healthy, happy life, we hope you find the peace and rest that are so vitally needed!

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