How do I deal with my emotions?

How do I deal with my emotions?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You have to weapons, one is ‘So what!Emotions come and they go'. The other is‘So hum’ (Sudarshan Kriya). Most of the problems get solved with‘so what.’If you’re upset, so what? Be upset for a little while. You cannot be upset all the time, it will disappear. If you’re feeling jealous, feel it, accept it and it will go away. When emotions become unbearable or doesn’t go with so what, use so hum! These emotions are called vikaras, means they are not your nature. It is like dust falling from outside and it goes away. Sometimes when one feels sorry, sad or miserable, they start encouraging that and feel happy about it. Then there is no way out of it. Only knowledge can pull you out of self-pity and misery.