I want to be honest with my parents about my sexuality. Yet my fear of losing their love and support has been...

I want to be honest with my parents about my sexuality. Yet my fear of losing their love and support has been stopping me from being honest with them. Please guide me to a solution.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: What are you going to achieve by telling your parents? Is it going to make them any happier? When they are not going to be happy, what is the point in telling them? Think about it. You don’t have to pretend to be what you are not; at the same time you don’t have to put a bomb where people cannot accept it. You could tell them gradually; prepare them in some way. You have to study the situation. How fragile are your parents? How unhappy they will become by your saying that? Is it worth being that honest to them if this is going to make them miserable? You need to judge all these pros and cons. In the ancient days, they used to say, "Speak the truth but speak the pleasant truth. Don’t speak unpleasant truth and don’t speak pleasant lies". This is the perfect balance. So use your sense of discrimination and gently prepare them if you want to tell them, if it’s going to serve some purpose.