Walk Like A King And Be The Perfect Servant

Mon, 02/24/2014

Bangalore, India

You know, the real luck in life is that you have an opportunity in life to think bigger than the mundane. You should think about something big, rather than just think about eating, drinking, and other trivial things.
To be able to think something big, or to have the company of people who encourage and inspire you to think big – that itself is a great blessing and good fortune. You should never lose out on that.
How many people here feel that there has been a total transformation in your lives? (Many in the audience raise hands).

Knowledge alone has the power to uplift you in this way. Nothing else can help you do this. If there is no knowledge in your life, you will simply keep running from one end to another. Without knowledge, you will get tired stumbling from one thing to another, and you will keep getting miserable each step of the way.
Being in knowledge and being in Satsang is the only way to save yourself from misery and suffering. You should go deep into this. Whenever you can, take a few minutes out of your schedule for yourself and just sit quietly and meditate.
Until you taste the nectar of knowledge, you really don't know what you are missing in life. But when you get deeply intoxicated with knowledge, everything else just fades away in comparison. Is it not so?
Compared to knowledge, every other intoxication just pales in comparison. Such is the strength and depth of knowledge.

When we grow in knowledge, then even Nature listens to our wishes. It surely does. Nobody will go back empty handed from the Ashram. But when you ask for something, ask as per your capacity to receive what you desire. Do not just superficially ask for anything. When you truly wish for something with all your heart, you will surely get it.
If you hold a small bowl in your hands but keep asking for ten litres of milk, how is it possible?
Whatever you want in life, you should accordingly increase your capacity (or deservingness) to be able to receive it also. Your mind should have expanded in the same way.