
The Solar Plexus Chakra: Your Personal Guide to Balance the 3rd Chakra

Feeling powerless or jealous? It could be your solar plexus chakra (navel or manipura chakra). Here’s your personal guide to balance the third chakra.

Denise Everheart
solar plexus chakra

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What is the solar plexus chakra?

personal power
First, let’s define clearly what a chakra is and isn’t. Aside from our physical body, we also have a subtle, energetic body. Within it are pathways that flow with prana, or subtle life-force energy, and this energy converges at powerful energy centers known as chakras

According to meditation master Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar there are 109 chakras with seven being the most important. The main seven chakras flow from the root chakra (base of the spine) up to the crown chakra (top of the head).
Each chakra, or nerve center, is associated with particular qualities and emotions which transpire in different ways depending on whether they’re unbalanced (aka blocked)...or not! Prana flows up or down from one chakra to another resulting in positive or negative emotions. In other words, your chakras technically never block or unblock. Instead, chakras can either get stuck in the downward flow or become unbalanced.
Now for what a chakra isn’t. Chakras are not energetic flowers, like artists typically depict, though there are colors associated with each energy center. For a deeper understanding of some of the misconceptions surrounding chakras, read on!

Location and meaning

Your solar plexus chakra is considered the third chakra and is located in the naval region, from the belly button to about two inches above, in your upper abdomen. 
In Sanskrit the solar plexus chakra is called the Manipura chakra, meaning “city of jewels”  - mani = gem + pura = city. This word is also translated as a lustrous gem.  

According to the science of Ayurveda, there are more than 72,000 energy channels (nadis) that converge in the manipura chakra.

The characteristics of the solar plexus chakra

energy center

The solar plexus chakra, like the other main chakras, has very specific qualities, let’s dive into all the details!

Color: Yellow

Element: Fire

The manipura chakra is connected with the fire element. The digestive fire present in the belly region here helps with digestion. 

Emotions and Manipura energy: 

Very much like the sun (as in “solar” plexus) which so ceaselessly and generously keeps shining, spreading joy and warmth, this energy center is about joy and giving. Generosity and joy are often symbolized as having a big belly. Santa Claus or the laughing Buddha – they both have a big belly, in other words– a supersized solar plexus. 

When the energy is moving downwards and hits the solar plexus chakra, we feel the opposite of generosity– greed and jealousy. Not wanting to share, and feeling like hoarding and possessing is all due to a downward flow of prana.

  • Greed (downward flow)
  • Jealousy (downward flow)
  • Generosity (upward flow)
  • Joy (upward flow)

The solar plexus energy is also associated with transformation, just as the sun is fiery, so too is this a source of the fire of transformation. 

A healthy, balanced solar plexus chakra leads to a feeling of magnanimity and abundance, as well as giving you a strong sense of your own inner power.

Signs and symptoms of unbalanced solar plexus chakra energy

 negative thought patterns
When your solar plexus  is imbalanced or feeling blocked you feel the opposite of bright and generous, with feelings of jealousy and greed. 

You might feel powerless or weak, and additionally can experience digestive issues. With digestive fire weakening, your digestive system, metabolism and elimination also weaken. 

Physical signs

  • Digestive system disorders including indigestion, acid reflux, heartburn, and eating disorders
  • Sleep issues
  • Low energy and fatigue

Mental signs

  • Jealousy and feelings of insecurity
  • Low self-esteem and lack of self confidence
  • Greed and being manipulative

How to unblock (balance) and heal the solar plexus chakra

breathe deeply
A better way to understand this idea of balance is to pay attention to the movement of energy. When the energy is moving up, from the root chakra to the crown chakra, each chakra feels balanced and will manifest the related positive qualities each exudes. 

However, when this energy is moving downwards, the chakra will feel out of balance and manifest its negative qualities. A bit like stroking a cat the wrong way. The right way feels great, the wrong way, not so much!

If you find yourself feeling powerless, envious, or even greedy (like you have to grip onto every last thing) bring your attention to your solar plexus chakra and try these various ways that may (or may not) positively effect, balance and heal your solar plexus chakra.


Balancing your chakras is easiest using meditation techniques like Sahaj Samadhi Meditation (mantra-based) and SKY Breath Meditation (breath-based). You can also enjoy a guided meditation dedicated to your third chakra.


Affirmations may or may not positively affect your solar plexus chakra. Affirmations can have some small positive effects on our mindset. But because they are words or thoughts without any special energetic powers– repeating positive affirmations may not give the results you’re looking for. 

Though, if you love affirmations, there is no harm in using them.

Yoga poses that stimulate Manipura energy

warrior pose

Yoga poses are great for correcting your posture, increasing flexibility, and opening up your body in general. Specific poses can gently get your kundalini energy moving upwards and help heal your solar plexus chakra. Some great yoga postures for you to try  include:

  • Bow pose
  • Seated spinal twist
  • Boat pose
  • Warrior pose

You can find these yoga postures and more here.

Healing visualization

Just like affirmations, healing visualizations are perhaps a less effective way to balance and heal your solar plexus chakra. That is unless you have been meditating in a cave for decades and mastered your own mind. In that case, you probably wouldn’t need healing visualizations–LOL!

Specific foods

Eat high prana food that makes digestion, metabolism, assimilation, elimination easier. Fresh, raw fruits and veggies have some of the highest prana levels. Favor freshly cooked food, plant-based food, complex carbohydrates like oats, rice, and sprouted grains and legumes– all of these are also great for building life force energy. 


merudanda mudra
Mudras are specific hand positions that have been used for thousands of years to positively influence both the mind and body. They affect our nervous systems by stimulating nerve endings in the hands. You can think of mudras as a way of accessing the subtle energy grid in your body.

Here are two mudras that can help the energy to flow in an upward direction, benefitting the solar plexus and all of the chakra energy centers.

Gyan mudra

Hold the tips of the thumbs and index fingers together lightly while extending the other three fingers without exerting any pressure. Rest your hands on your thighs as you gently breathe in and out. To enhance this process you can practice ujjayi breath.

Merudanda mudra

Since the thumb is connected to the fire element, this mudra is especially important to the solar plexus chakra healing. Place your hands in the thumbs up position, resting on your thighs and breathe.

Stones and crystals

shinning gem
Everything is energy, even stones have energy– they are not dead. Here are five semi-precious gemstones with energy that resonates in the naval region, all of which have yellow or gold hues.

  • Citrine
  • Amber
  • Pyrite
  • Yellow topaz
  • Yellow tourmaline

Essential oils

One essential oil in particular, camphor oil (diluted) is especially good to use in the belly button for balancing all the nadis in the manipura chakra. It can also help facilitate deeper sleep. Don’t have camphor oil? Use Vicks Vapor Rub ointment, it already has camphor in it!


Who knew that contemplating your navel could yield so much practical information related to your inner power?!? Out of all these helpful tools for balancing your solar plexus chakra, I recommend SKY Breath Meditation (aka Sudarshan Kriya) for optimum spiritual health. In fact, it helps balance all the chakras! But you don’t have to just take my word for it. Attend a free breath and meditation session and to get a taste of our programs!

Breathe strong banner

Oh, and by the way– once you have taken the SKY program and your first Silent Retreat through the Art of Living, you qualify to learn Chakra Kriya for free! Start your journey here

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