
Meditation Sleep Music To Help You Beat Insomnia and Get Some Shut-Eye

Are you in the one-third of American adults who aren't getting enough sleep? Try meditation sleep music to help you relax and get a good night's sleep.

Jade Doherty

How well did you sleep last night?

Were you able to enjoy a good night of deep and restful sleep, or did you find yourself tossing and turning, struggling to nod off, or waking up during the night?

For many people out there, I'm guessing the answer is the latter. No deep sleep, and waking up and starting the day already tired. In fact, according to the CDC, more than one-third of American adults are not getting enough sleep, with "not enough" meaning less than 7 hours per night.

What happens if I don't get enough sleep?

A sleepless night here or there is ok, but when it becomes a long-term issue, you can start to suffer. Not only are you in a bad mood when you don't sleep enough (it can't be just me, who is unpleasant to be around when I'm tired!), but you start to develop negative consequences from a lack of sleep.

As with most things, there are long-term and short-term consequences of not getting enough high-quality REM sleep.

In the short term you might start to experience:

  •  A lack of alertness and concentration
  •  Tiredness during the day
  •  Lower quality of life and well-being
  •  Higher risk of accidents

Not getting enough sleep can make you moody, affect your relationships, and generally make life unpleasant.

Beyond the short-term effects of a lack of sleep, the long-term consequences can have a very detrimental effect on your health, with problems including:

  • A higher risk of diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Memory loss
  • Decreased fertility
  • Impaired brain functioning

So, as you can see (and I'm sure you already know!), struggling with insomnia or a sleep disorder is incredibly hard. We don't need beauty sleep. We need enough sleep, and we need it to be deep and restful.

Why am I struggling to sleep?

There can be many reasons why you're not sleeping enough and/or why the sleep quality is not enough.

Maybe you have young children and a demanding full-time job. Maybe your working schedule makes it difficult to sleep enough. Or maybe you just can't sleep. You lie there, counting sheep, but don't manage to nod off.

If your issue is a lack of time, check out these posts on Yoga Nidra. Yoga Nidra, also known as yogic sleep, is an incredibly nourishing and restoring practice and can help you to recharge if you simply don't have enough time.

If, however, there isn't a specific external reason stopping you from getting some shut-eye, your troubles could be more related to anxiety and troubles finding a state of relaxation.

Anxiety can make it incredibly difficult to switch off as your mind is racing and your body feels tense, and then as a double "bonus", a lack of sleep can increase anxiety and tension, making it even harder to relax and sleep, and so on and on and on…

And if you don't specifically suffer from anxiety, but do struggle to relax, you might be finding that you've gotten into a routine that makes it harder to sleep.

Whether your struggle comes from anxiety or reasons that you can't quite pinpoint, meditation sleep music can help you to catch some much-needed ZZZs.

Relaxation and sleep

I know it might sound obvious, but you need to feel relaxed to sleep well. It's hard if you're stressed, anxious, or worried.

Music is powerful! I'm sure we've all used music to hype us up, to calm us down, or even to accompany a good cry! Music in movies conveys so much emotion and almost tells us how to feel.

So, you can make use of this and incorporate meditation sleep music into your nighttime routine.

You might already have music in mind. Maybe calming yoga music, or binaural beats, or even nature sounds. Here are some beautiful pieces of music to help you relax and have a peaceful night’s sleep:

I should add that it's great to add calming music to a nighttime routine. Take a relaxing shower, limit caffeine in the late afternoon, put your phone aside, turn off the TV, and read for a bit before you sleep.

A good routine can also help, and music by itself can only do so much.

A long-term solution to sleep disorders

Music is a great tool to help you in your quest for better sleep, but if you're looking for a long-term solution to the problem you have to solve...well...the problem!

For many people, anxiety and stress make it very difficult to sleep, and while beautiful music might help them to relax, it's not actually solving the root issue.

SKY Breath Meditation is an evidence-based breathing meditation created by a global spiritual leader, humanitarian, and the founder of The Art of Living, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

It's a very simple technique that works with the breath. Many people have tried and struggled with meditation but find that SKY is not only doable but enjoyable!

It has a whole host of benefits, ranging from your physical health, your mental health, and even your spiritual development. You can find out more about the benefits here.

Specific to sleep, SKY has been shown to:

SKY gets to the roots of the issues and not only improves sleep quality but also reduces anxiety and depression, PTSD, improves well-being, and increases happiness.

Your next step

Experience SKY Breath Meditation for yourself by registering for the Art of Living Part 1 course today!

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