Take charge, Gurudev tells youth

14 May 2013

How important is knowledge in today's materialistic world?

It is knowledge that brings comfort and security. It is the sign of human evolution. So knowledge about one's mind is as essential as knowledge about the world we are in.

You have been advocating peace for quite some time now. Are we getting too intolerant today?

The fast pace of life, lack of resources and ambitions have increased the level of stress, and stress is directly proportional to intolerant behaviour.

What is your message to young India who will be the driving force in future?

Own the country right away. Don't wait for it to get spoilt. Today, with the globe shrinking into a village, huge opportunities await you. While on the path of progress, never forget your roots. Broaden your vision and deepen your roots, take pride in your heritage and be innovative in your endeavours.

You had urged youngsters to give an hour everyday to the nation. Has this made any difference? What is the step forward?

I get reports from volunteers about various service projects we've started across the country. It is really heartwarming to see these initiatives which are a continuous process. One such project is rejuvenating the dried up Kumudavati river in Karnataka basin, which used to be the source of water for 300 villages. When volunteers complete this project, Bangalore's water crisis can be tackled. Many such activities are happening and many more can happen if more people participate.

The number of corruption cases in the political spectrum is on a constant rise. What is the solution to move from a wealth-seeking society to one that seeks happiness, something you have often emphasized in your speeches?

Our country has never seen as many scams as it has in the past couple of years. It has ripped the moral fabric of our society. People in power who are supposed to uphold values are themselves tainted. There is a need to overhaul the entire system. The amount of money spent on elections, parties fielding criminal elements, use of alcohol, drugs and other addictions and related crimes - that are growing day by day - are matters of great concern. We need to create a wave of spiritual awakening in society, a zeal for service and sacrifice as we had in the pre-independence era for the sake of the nation. Yoga and meditation, proper food habits and teaching etiquettes will go a long way in creating a civilized and well-educated society.

Five awarded

Five persons from Karnataka bagged the 'Sri Sri Awards' on Monday for their contribution to society.

Sudhakar Chaturvedi -- Vedic literature

A Nagaraju -- Stage and drama

Siddanna Sahukar -- Badminton (as a person living with disability)

Gopinath R -- Women and child welfare

Siddaraju -- Folk arts, Janapada Kala

Courtesy:Times of India

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.Read More