Swami Jyotirmaya - 2 evening course

8th of Oct 2013 to 9th of Oct 2013

More insight in your happiness and health in two evenings

Swami Jyotirmaya was often found reading in the bible already at a young age. After he got in touch with the Art of Living he wanted to reach out to more and more people to help them lead a healthy and happy life. In India he is famous for his blessings. Thousands of people, among which many prison inmates, have felt the healings effects og his blessings.

During the course he will share his unique knowledge about how to stay balanced, experience less stress and bring mopre enthusiasm into our often hectic lives. He will bring us back in touch with our inner wisdom and makes us experience the deep silence within us through meditation. 

The course fee will be only € 20,- for two evenings.

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