Cereals | Pulses | Vegetables | Fruits

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PictureFood StuffElement & its ProportionTasteEffect on ConstitutionSome Facts
cerealsWheatWater (2)
Earth  (2)
SweetDecreases Vatta, Pitta                 Increases KaphaNew wheat increases ama (acid), old wheat decreases kapha
BarleyBarleyEarth (2)
Fire (2)
Sweet, Pungent, AstringentIncreases Vatta                Decreases Pitta, KaphaReduces body fat and increases passing urine
RiceRiceEarth (2)
Water (2)
Fire (2)
SweetDecreases Vatta, Pitta        New increases KaphaDecreases burning sensation in the body increases passing urine
BajraBajraEarth  (2)
Air (1)
SweetIncreases Vatta, Pitta       Decreases KaphaHeavy to digest
jowarJowarEarth (2)
Air (2)
Sweet, AstringentDecreases Vatta, Pitta        Sometimes increases KaphaGood in diabetes
Air (2)
Sweet, Bitter, AstringentSometimes increases Vatta-
cornCorn-ColdSometimes increases Vatta-
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