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  1. 9 Tips to Better Yoga Nidra

    Get ready to deepen your yoga nidra relaxation with these quick tips from Dinesh Kashikar, senior Sri Sri Yoga teacher. This is a part of the yoga nidra article series comprising yoga nidra instructions, benefits of yoga nidra, and tips. 1. Keep sufficien ...
  2. Stop the emotional yo-yo with Yoga

    Often, when you sit to pause through a busy day, we can count the different moments we live throughout the day. The moments of being angry, being lost, being mad at someone, feeling lonely, lost and the laundry list doesn’t end here. Sometimes, it goes fr ...
  3. Overcome Smoking with Yoga

    Smoking kills. The cigarette smoke that you inhale carries more than 4000 chemicals, of which at least 250 are known to be harmful and more than 50 are known to cause cancer. According to a fact sheet published by WHO, tobacco kills nearly 6 million peopl ...
  4. Watch your Weight with Yoga this Festive Season

    It’s that time of the year again. Time to celebrate, party, and gorge on sweets! Diwali is just round the corner. Excitement is in the air. And it’s a typical scenario in any festival. The same story every year – new clothes, holidays, family visits, and ...
  5. Are You Busy? Take A Break With Yoga

    Do you feel you have too much on your plate already and there isn’t any time for yoga or good health? Well, think again because if you don’t have the time, yoga is just right for you! Confused? Can’t seem to figure out how to squeeze yoga in your super bu ...
  6. Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)

    Posted: January 24, 2018 Seated Forward Bend   — Paschimottanasana (Posh-ee-moh-tan-AA-SUN-aa) — Seated Forward Bend can be an active or passive posture, depending on the level of practitioner. The pose provides a full-body stretch, especially in the hams ...
  7. You Were Born A Yogi, Don’t You Remember?

    The only beings (other than liberated souls) that are in harmony with themselves, i.e they are at home anywhere and don’t care who is watching, are babies and children. And yoga naturally manifests in their supple bodies. It is quite common to observe chi ...
  8. Yoga and Creativity: Catch the wave!

    Creativity is like the breaking waves at the ocean’s surf. The surfer waits for the right wave and when it materializes, the surfer latches on, riding its crest until the destination. When the big wave of creativity comes in with a rush of ideas, yoga can ...
  9. 108 Art of Living Surya Namaskar Count: Uplift Your Body-Mind-Spirit!

    By Sejal Shah | Posted on: December 31, 2020 Would you like to take the 108 Sun Salutation Challenge? This Art of Living Surya Namaskar count and guidelines will help you get ready for it. On April 7, 2012, in a global event organized by the Art of Living ...
  10. Sri Sri Yoga Experiences

    I was suffering from severe back pain for 5 to 6 months. I went for many treatments, ayurvedic and allopathic, but none had long-term effects. I was told about this wonderful course – Sri Sri Yoga. I am so glad to share that after the course I got relieve ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More