
Search results

  1. Yoga... Moving Beyond Asanas

    We often use the word ‘yoga’ to mean ‘yoga asana’. Most people think of yoga as an act that contorts the body into a human pretzel. However, yoga is much more than just asana. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, regarding the practice of yoga, reflect this dist ...
  2. Yoga Keeps Your Heart healthy

    For more than a decade now, every 29th of September has been celebrated as ‘World Heart Day’ to raise awareness against heart related diseases. However, the latest survey conducted by a private company with a sample size of more than 1,12,000 over urban c ...
  3. Yoga at Home

    Posted: February 16, 2018 Attending yoga classes is a great way to motivate yourself to maintain a practice. However, when it comes to creating a sustainable practice, it is important to cultivate the skill of doing yoga on your own, without reliance on a ...
  4. Yoga with Pilates? It’s fun!

    A dancer by profession, yoga came fairly easy to Rashmi Ramesh for whom movement is a part of who she is. And then yogalates just happened when she decided to put pilates and yoga together to create a holistic body workout. Today, she teaches this techniq ...
  5. Sun Salutation Yoga: 11 Facts about Your Daily Full Body Workout

    By Elizabeth Herman | Updated: November 5, 2020 Learn about Sun Salutation today for a whole body workout and a great way to relax into meditation. You’ll be glad you did! Are you a yoga beginner? If so, you’d be curious to know all about a popular asana ...
  6. Yoga for Blood Pressure

    With systematic practice of yoga, the body is less prone to diseases and effects of day-to-day stress. Overall the body feels healthier, more energetic. Everyone benefits from yoga- if they undergo proper training, and continue with the practice. Regular ...
  7. Yoga Programs

    * I have put on so much weight, I need to get back in shape! * Weight is not a problem for me but I want a strong and flexible body. * Stress at work, stress even at home – isn't there a way I could relax? * Exams are round the corner and I just can& ...
  8. Sri Sri Yoga Level 2

    De-tox your body, de-stress your mind Are you looking for a perfect vacation just with yourself, a chance to pamper and love your body, some time to forget all your worries and completely relax in a peaceful locale? Look forward to all this and more at th ...
  9. Sri Sri Yoga Practice

    The Sri Sri Yoga is primarily Hatha Yoga, integrated with other paths of yoga for full blossoming of human potential. In the Sri Sri Yoga, wisdom and a combination of gentle yet effective series of asanas/postures and pranayamas are taught for the well-be ...
  10. Yoga Alliance Certifies 3 Sri Sri Yoga Teachers

    Recently, three Sri Sri Yoga teachers (Krishan Verma, Kamlesh Barwal and Dinesh Kashikar) received the highest certification (Experienced Registered Yoga Teachers) from Yoga Alliance after having taught for over 500 hours. Krishan Verma, the International ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More