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  1. Gurudev, how can I control anger?

    Tell me when do you get angry? (Ans – when something happens which I don’t like) Yes, now tell me in the world only those things that you like should happen? How boring it should be, isn’t it. See when you cannot accommodate imperfections that is when you ...
  2. I was wondering if God is the universe and that is why there is God in all of us, why all this drama, why all these motions?

    Listen, do you watch movies? Yes. Now suppose you talk to a director and tell the director, why do you want a villain in your movie? Why you want all these thrills? You should have just made everything very smooth. What would he say? A boy was there and a ...
  3. Opposite values are complementary

    Is there any such thing like we have done something wrong and that is why we have to suffer now and maybe after we die? If we do something wrong now, do we have to suffer next life? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: First of all you must know that those who died they ...
  4. “When we are involved in activity, we should feel that nothing is okay. But when we are in meditation, we should feel that everything is fine.”

    Mind is restless. How to control it? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Through practice and experience the mind will settle down. It is through experience that one feels dispassion/detachment (vairaagya). What is dispassion? As a child, you would get excited about cot ...
  5. How can we attain self-control?

    Self-control can be attained by your will. Once you say, I am not going to do this thing, I am not going to eat too much for the next three days, or I am not going to indulge in this thing for the next seven days, done. First, self-determination; second, f ...
  6. Mind is restless. How to control it?

    Through practice and experience the mind will settle down. It is through experience that one feels dispassion/detachment (vairaagya). What is dispassion? As a child, you would get excited about cotton candy, as though eating it was the sole aim in life. Ch ...
  7. When we do Sadhana, do we connect with the soul or with God?

    Are they separate or one? Are waves and the ocean separate or one? The wave is soul and the ocean is God. When there is ‘I’consciousness, it is the soul, and when the ‘I’ness is at rest, it is God. So no one has ever gone or can go outside of God. Now look ...
  8. I think about you all through the day, every second, is this a defect in me or is it okay?

    Well, it’s not possible to think all through the day. If the thought comes now and then, here and there, then they come and they go. Treat them like any other thought that comes and goes, doesn’t matter. We are all united in a very subtle level beyond the ...
  9. People say that I am not aggressive. Do I have to be? How can I be?

    To do something good if you need to be aggressive, you can show some aggression; but you know when you are meditating you don’t need to do that at all. You know, you don’t need to be aggressive, things will happen. People will say everything; if you are ag ...