What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. Overcoming Those Doubts

    (Below is a continuation of the post A Time To Reflect) Now having understood this, you might want to ask, 'How can we increase our Sattva (positivity)? How can we overcome and go beyond these tendencies?'It is through meditation. Do more Seva, Sadhana an ...
  2. A Time To Reflect

    (Below is a continuation of the post The 3 Types Of Dhritis) Once when I was on tour in California, I saw that there was an advertisement for the cemetery there on the road. Do you know what the advertisement said? It said, 'Beautiful and scenic burial gr ...
  3. The 3 Types Of Dhritis

    Q: Dear Gurudev, what are the three kinds of Dhritis (strengths, or types of stability of the mind) that Lord Krishna has mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita? Can you please speak about that? Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There are three kinds: Jnana (knowledg ...
  4. Revisiting Wisdom

    Being in silence must be difficult for some of you. But you will realize the value of silence, and how our energy is spent by talking . When that talking channel is closed, you will find so much of your energy focused inward. You feel how beautiful and how ...
  5. A Higher State Of Happiness

    (Below is a continuation of the post People And Their Opinions) In the Bhagavad Gita, it is written that rajoguni people pursue happiness by means of hard work, but the real happiness lies in meditation. Does this mean that I should stop studying, and med ...
  6. People And Their Opinions

    Gurudev, what to choose between these two things: life in this beautiful world with a Guru like you, or liberation and ultimate union with the Divine? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You can have both; this does not have to be a choice. You can lead a happy life in ...
  7. The Crises Will Be Over

    (Over 1 million people have been affected by the worst flood in the history of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Albania between May 14-17, 2014. More than 100,000 houses and other buildings in Bosnia are no longer fit to use. Over a mi ...
  8. A Say Over Your Mind

    (Below is a continuation of the post Don't Be A Football Of Other's Opinions) Gurudev, how to control emotions in times of crisis? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Breathing, breathing, and breathing.Breath is the biggest secret that nature has put in you. It is lin ...
  9. Don't Be A Football Of Other's Opinions

    My dear ones here, this is what we need to do: Create waves of happiness in the world. I am sure you all agree with me. In today’s world, there is so much conflict. At the drop of a hat, people start fighting. It is time that the like-minded people, the g ...
  10. The Karma Principle

    When everything goes right, everybody smiles anyway. When things go wrong, if you still can smile, then you have lived The Art of Living course.Things are falling apart, things are going wrong, then also you smile, because you know things are going to be ...