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  1. 3 Things Everyone Looks For

    I am very happy to be with all of you this evening! So what shall we do now? Let’s do something different today, shall we? Let’s not discuss stress relief, relationships, peace and all the usual topics. Let’s think of something bigger and something beyond ...
  2. Don't Get Stuck In Small Things

    Below in the continuation of the post There Is No Escape From The Guru) There are many dimensions in life. Let’s work with this dimension properly, when you are totally relieved from this dimension, or fully satisfied in this dimension, then the other dim ...
  3. There Is No Escape From The Guru

    You can’t escape from having a Guru, or being a Guru. Everyone has to realize this, that there is no escape, or no way out. There is a proverb in Sanskrit that says, ‘I first salute the wicked because he is teaching me by falling into a pit. He has warned ...
  4. Are Your Expectations Bringing You Joy?

    I want others to appreciate me. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Whenever you expect anything from others, appreciation or anything else, you are not being independent, and this is bound to bring you down. You must say, “I don’t expect anything from others, but what ...
  5. Truth Cannot Be Hidden

    What is the difference between the self and the soul? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Soul is like the air in a balloon, and self is like the air in the atmosphere. Why is it that sometimes we don’t trust in the Guru. Why do we have doubts that arise? Sri Sri Ravi ...
  6. World Summit For Ethics And Leadership On Sports

    (The 2nd World Summit on Ethics & Leadership in Sports,at the FIFA Headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland, was organized with the focus of bringing attention to the critical challenges related to sports governance such as match fixing, doping and human ri ...
  7. We Belong To One Human Race

    (Below is a continuation of the post Anything Is Possible) I recently had an interaction with one gentleman from the Muslim brotherhood, in America. He is a 27-year-old young man. Would you like to hear the interaction, and see what he says? (An audio cli ...
  8. Stop Beating Yourself Up Over Past Mistakes

    (Below is a continuation of the post Understanding Chakras And The Kundalini Energy) I try to forget the mistakes I made in the past and move ahead. But the people around me keep reminding me of those past mistakes. What should I do? Sri Sri Sri Ravi Shan ...
  9. Understanding Chakras And Kundalini Energy

    (Below is a continuation of the post How To Read The Signs From The Universe) Q: What are Chakras? How can we cleanse the Chakras? Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Chakras are the nerve centres seen in our body. There are 1,72,000 Nadis (channels of metaphys ...
  10. How To Read The Signs From The Universe?

    Today, we have with us Maharaj Ji from the Nimbaarka Sampradaya from Vrindavana. He is the Mahanta (spiritual leader or pontiff) of the Nimbaarka Sampradaya and they have their own Ashram at the Vishraama Ghaat.This thought came to me in the morning about ...