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  1. Gurudev, I can’t let go of things which I think need to be done and give it to somebody else until I break down. I am trying to control everything but it is not helping things go better. How to get rid of it?

    See you want to give responsibilities to others, it is good. And you wanting to give itself it will start happening. Accept imperfection a little bit. A little bit of imperfection is okay. You think only I can do everything better, the other person cannot ...
  2. Why often people don’t respect me. Is it because of my energy? What should I do?

    Don’t worry about it! You know we think people don’t respect us. In fact people have no time to think about you. Everybody is so busy - okay! In our mind if I think, oh nobody respects me then I am nurturing that sort of energy and it does start happening. ...
  3. I work in a place that is full of anger. People are always thinking about money. This is bad energy and it attacks me. How can I overcome this?

    If you find that some people are angry and places are disturbing, know that you have a purpose to do. You have to bring that positive energy. Don’t run away from it. Be calm, be centered and see people are angry and agitated over nothing because they don’t ...
  4. I don’t insist you do morning sadhana only.Whenever it is possible you do it!

    What are you doing when you are on a holiday? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: This is exactly what I am doing. There is no holiday for me. Every day is a holy day.I work in a place that is full of anger. People are always thinking about money. This is bad energy and ...
  5. What are you doing when you are on a holiday?

    This is exactly what I am doing. There is no holiday for me. Every day is a holy day. ...
  6. Mahasatsang at Valsad, Gujarat

    Now, we are going to do the Rudrabhishek using Vedic mantras. You know when we chant the Vedic mantras .these mantras bring a change in the environment, brings purity in the environment. Sattva increases, bad karmas are destroyed and nature celebrates. Tha ...
  7. Your hankering for pleasure is causing depression in you. Wake up and see all pleasures are momentary. How long will it stay? 5 to 10 minutes you find joy and then it’s gone!

    Gurudev, we have focused a lot on the solar plexus this week, the solar plexus is also known as our second brain. You said it’s usually the size of an almond but it grows in size as we meditate. Can you comment on the importance of the solar plexus? Sri Sr ...
  8. Dear Guruji, is there anything in reality called negative energy or negative vibes from other people that can affect us? I have a tendency to fear certain people whom I think pass on these negative energies to me.

    Listen, in the absolute sense, no but in relative sense there is. You can feel those things but it is not a permanent thing. It is limited by time. Like smoke comes; smoke is not a permanent thing. Smoke you could find in somebody’s farm when they are burn ...
  9. Jai Gurudev, can a Guru change the karma of a disciple? Basically stop something from happening or change the course of one’s life?

    See, knowledge and wisdom is that which change the karma. You should read Celebrating Silence, Intimate Notes to the Sincere Seeker. The very first one I spoke about karma. Seven years we did it every week. Once every week we did the knowledge for seven y ...