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  1. If man has to ask for one thing in life, what should he ask for?

    Why should he ask only for one thing? He should ask for as many things as he wants. When he is thirsty he should ask for water, if he is going to do bhastrika before that he should ask for tissue paper. He should ask for food when he is hungry. Why should ...
  2. If I am Brahman, if I am the eternal presence, if I am totally free from inside, if I am the pure consciousness, why is it that I am not able to know that or experience that?

    Because your mind is outside. You want this, you want that, you want comfort, you want relationships, you want 101 things and your mind is in it. How will you go inside? How will you experience that? So when you are free from wanting and when you say, ‘ ...
  3. Why do some people seek God realization and others don’t care about it?

    Why do Maple trees grow only here and not in Florida? ...
  4. Please bless me to find my way in life.

    You are already on your path! You are in the right place. I tell you. Relax! See you only need to make an effort till you catch a train or a plane. Once you are in the plane, there is no point in running up and down the aisle. The plane is not going t ...
  5. Where was I before I came into this body?

    Very good question! Before I got this body, where was I? The consciousness is very ancient; the mind is older than the stones. I tell you, keep this question. This is a very important question. Don’t be in a hurry to get an answer. In this ...
  6. Dear Guruji, what is my duty?

    Listen to your heart. You heart will tell you what your duty is. ...
  7. How do I keep my spirit high all the time?

    Just remember why you are disturbed, it is because of small things and know that it will all be alright. So when you see all these things come and go and everything will be alright, then you say, ‘I am not going to be disturbed by this. I am bigger tha ...
  8. Dear Guruji, I feel I have a strong connection with you. Is it still necessary to meet you personally for your blessings?

    No, not necessary. But when you ask this question that means there is some feeling or wanting to. Never mind, anyway you are already here now. We can exchange glances, and talk. ...
  9. Gurudev, what is the difference between self-respect and arrogance?

    Arrogance pricks and causes suffering; self-respect – no one can take it away from us. ...
  10. Gurudev, how does one come to know that he is ready to be a teacher?

    Just that you want to be a teacher means you are ready to be a teacher. ...