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  1. Bhujangasana (Cobra Stretch), Steps and Benefits

    What is Bhujangasana (Cobra Stretch)? Bhujangasana is pronounced as Bhu-jung-aahs-uh-nuh. Bhujangasana (Cobra Stretch) comes from the word bhujanga meaning cobra or snake and asana meaning pose. Bhujangasana is also known as Cobra Stretch. This pose is in ...
  2. Dhanurasana- Bow pose

    Dhanurasana is pronounced as Dha-nur-aah-suh-na. Dhanurasana- etymology Dhanurasana has been named after the shape the body takes while performing it – that of a bow. Dhanu means bow and asana means posture or pose. Just as a well-strung bow is an asset t ...
  3. The ideal yoga pose for relieving gas

    This yoga pose, as its name suggests, is excellent for releasing abdominal gas.  Pawanmuktasana   is pronounced as PUH-vuhn-mukt-AAHS-uh-nuh. Pavana  = wind,  mukta = relieve or release, Asana =  Posture or Pose Why is Pawanmuktasana (wind-relieving pose) ...
  4. Veg v/s non-veg debate: Looking through the yogic lens

    You are what you eat. That’s the principle yogic approach which takes a holistic view of human health, on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. The ancient treatise of Patanjali Yoga Sutra speaks of the concept of ' Ahimsa ' (non ...
  5. How to tone your body with Yoga

    Do you think looking good and toning the body requires a lot of hard work? Good news! There is a more relaxing way to toil for good looks. And that is Yoga! Unlike gyming, Yoga helps one attain mental peace, nurtures holistic health, and has lesser chance ...
  6. 10 benefits of headstand (Sirsasana)

    There are some women in my neighborhood with glowing skin and voluminous hair. They credit Sirsasana for their gorgeous looks and hair. There are many benefits of sirsasana for hair, but that’s not all. Yoga experts share that the king of asanas, is Sirsa ...
  7. Get warmer hands and feet with this Winter Yoga Sequence

    We are reminded of campfires for warmer hands and feet in the winter. But lighting a campfire in the middle of our work, early mornings or any time of the day is not feasible. Switching on the heater all the time in winter is burdensome on our electricity ...
  8. Yoga poses to remove body stiffness

    Have you wondered why most people complain of body stiffness during winter? Low temperatures in winter can make the joint fluid thicker, so they feel stiffer. As a result, their activity reduces. The inactivity further adds to muscle stiffness.  How to re ...
  9. 5 Yoga poses to give you exciting winter mornings

    “Yoga is a discipline that opens the door to inner freedom.”- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar In winter, the dark room makes it difficult to leave bed in the mornings. The sun rises later than in summer and the room doesn't light up that soon. Melatonin ...