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  1. Gurudev, when you were addressing the students at Sri Sri University, you mentioned that a student should have three qualities: aashishta, balishta and driddhishta. Can we nurture these three qualities while in school?

    Yes.Aashishta means having complete faith.Driddhishta means to have stability, and to have firm determination. Many people have  desires, but they do not always have the determination to work for and fulfil t ...
  2. How do I build an affinity and attachment towards knowledge?

    This very question indicates that you already have it my dear. Why do you keep looking for it when you already have it?If you think that you do not have an affinity for knowledge and then you strive to cultivate it, I tell you, it is never ...
  3. Gurudev, how do we come into a state of surrender or non-doership?

    Stop thinking and trying to differentiate too much between doership and non-doership. Whenever you do anything, just do it 100% and be totally immersed in it with all your heart and mind. And once the work is done, you must also take equally deep ...
  4. Gurudev, how do I identify the enemy inside of me, and how do I conquer him?

    Identifying the enemy is the most important thing. Anything that does not let you stay peaceful and happy is your enemy. But sometimes in the process of trying to overcome this enemy, we may get caught deeper within it. Hence, at such time ...
  5. What if a resolution breaks?

    Never mind. In the field you throw so many seeds. Not all seeds sprout. Some sprout, some don’t. When you sow saplings, not every sapling grows. Some do, some don’t. In a tree, not all flowers become fruit. Some fall when they are not even ripe. That’s ...
  6. Dearest Gurudev, what is spiritual pleasure seeking? I want to make sure that I am not shifting my pleasure seeking from the material world to the spiritual.

    Pleasure seeking is when you are focused only on yourself. 'Beg, borrow or steal, whatever it does to others is okay but I should be comfortable', this is a pleasure seeking tendency. You don’t care for others or for discipline, or for wha ...
  7. Dearest Gurudev, what is spiritual pleasure seeking? I want to make sure that I am not shifting my pleasure seeking from the material world to the spiritual.

    Pleasure seeking is when you are focused only on yourself. 'Beg, borrow or steal, whatever it does to others is okay but I should be comfortable', this is a pleasure seeking tendency. You don’t care for others or for discipline, or for wha ...
  8. Gurudev, in my life nowadays I feel that I have forgotten everything that happened to me in the past. Even if I try to remember certain events, I cannot remember them. My mind is at peace, and I feel as if all my past has been erased. Is it alright?

    It is very good actually. You should forget things after sometime (and not hold on to anything). Yes, do not forget your way back home; or your keys to the car, etc. ...
  9. Gurudev, I feel people don’t accept me because I am boring. What should I do?

    Don’t worry what people think about you. Have a goal and march ahead. If you have to walk alone then walk alone and achieve what you want to achieve in life. Then everyone will come along. I also thought that I was very boring because I could never ta ...