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  1. From many stories I understand you are omnipresent and all knowing. This sometimes makes me feel a little fearful that you know all about the mistakes I make. What is your attitude towards the mistakes? Are you angry when you see me making these mistakes over and over again?

    Not at all. Do you know that devotees are more powerful than the Guru himself? Do you know this? It is so. You must have heard of my Guru stories, but I have many devotee stories. I will share one with you. In the last week of November, I was touring i ...
  2. Dear Gurudev, can you please talk about the effects of the three meditations held on 12.12.12 on humanity, the earth and the universe?

    See, you cannot measure the effect of meditation by limited parameters. It goes beyond our known parameters. The effect is definitely there and time will tell that effect. ...
  3. Gurudev, one bad incident rocks the whole nation, but why do many good things happening around go unnoticed without even creating a ripple?

    Agitation needs some such bad event. People are ready to agitate easily. This is because stress is already there and that stress wants an outlet. So agitation becomes a very easy thing to do. If we call for an agitation, you will see everybody will joi ...
  4. The Path to the Divine

    The Divine can only be found in deep rest (meditation). Do you know what the obstacles to deep rest are? It is the cravings and aversions in the mind. If the mind is filled with cravings and aversions, rest is not possible. And if there is no rest, the go ...
  5. It is said that, we can live our entire lives as meditation. How is this possible? How can my life become a meditation?

    Every moment is a new beginning. You wake up and say, 'This is a new beginning!' That is it! There is no 'How', that is how it is. Just let go! ...
  6. Dear Gurudev, does meditation improve IQ? If yes, how can meditation improve intelligence?

    Meditation brings the most needed rest to the brain; to the mind. Rest and silence is the mother of all creativity and intelligence. That is how it improves intelligence. ...
  7. Gurudev, how can we make utterly materialistic people realize the importance and urgency of meditation in today's gloomy economic situation?

    Here, memory of the past will help you. See in the past, after World War II or before that, the world was in such a big crisis. There was very little food and people had limited resources because everything was destroyed, but then people did survive. ...
  8. Gurudev, who did you learn all this from? Who taught you meditation?

    Do you ask a poet or a writer whom did they learn from? They write it by themselves, isn’t it? If a poet or a writer copies content from here and there, can they call it their own creation? Similarly, when one goes into meditation, all these come intu ...
  9. Gurudev, when we sit for meditation, some thoughts pass by just like clouds, but there are others that make us go on such a long trip. Suddenly I realized I am on a trip. What is the mechanism that sends you off on that long trip, and why can they not all pass by like clouds?

    That is how they are. Some thoughts are like this, some are like that. Some bother you, some do not. That is why there are so many techniques and so many ways to bring your mind to the centre. See, in the recent poojas, why have they used so many musica ...