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  1. What Does Business Have To Do With Spirituality?

    (The Federation of the Karnataka Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FKCCI) and The Art of Living in association with World Forum for Ethics in Business hosted the Corporate Culture and Spirituality Conference at The Art of Living International Centre, Ban ...
  2. Trust Is the Backbone of Business

    Bangalore, India  (Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar gives a closing address at end of the two day Corporate Culture & Spirituality event) My dear one on the dais, and in the audience. For every beginning, there is an end; and every end has a beginning; thi ...
  3. What is the reason for 108 beads in a rosary? Is there any significance to this?

    There are 12 constellations and nine planets according to Indian astrology. Nine planets moving in the 12 constellations can bring about 108 different types of changes. So the 108 beads are to nullify any malefic effects of any changes. ...
  4. Tips To Improve Your Relationship With Your Mother-In-Law

    Bangalore, India What we see is only one tenth of what is. The subtle creation governs the gross creation. The subtle creation is only full of vibrations. It is the subtle that rules the gross, and all information is embedded in the subtle. This is so fasc ...
  5. We Need To Care For Every Single Creature

    Bangalore, India Please tell us about the importance of offering food (Prasad) to the Divine before eating. Also please tell us the authentic way of offering food. Is there any mantra needed? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When a lady cooks food at home, the first ...
  6. Lord Krishna- Trouble Maker Or Trouble Shooter?

    Bangalore, India Gurudev, Yudhisthira (the eldest of the five Pandava brothers in the Mahabharata) used to gamble. He gambled and lost his wife (Draupadi) in a game of dice. Then why is he given the title of ‘Dharmaraj’ (the supreme upholder of Dharma or m ...
  7. Gurudev, it is said that meditation is a practice of Satya Yuga, while remembering and chanting the name of the Lord is emphasized more in the Kali Yuga. Could you please shed more light on this?

    It is said, ‘Kaliyuga keval naam-adhara’, (Chanting the name of the Lord is the sole means of liberation in Kali Yuga). As one goes on chanting the name of the Lord, gradually a stage comes when the chanting stops and one natural ...
  8. Gurudev, why is it that wherever Lord Krishna went, in those place only conflicts would arise. Or is it that Lord Krishna was like a doctor who would visit places of conflict and chaos?

    This depends on the way you see it. The Jains say that wherever Lord Krishna went, He caused a lot of violence, and war took place because of His influence. The Jains actually believe Lord Krishna to be in hell for all that He did. They also believe ...
  9. Gurudev, Yudhisthira (the eldest of the five Pandava brothers in the Mahabharata) used to gamble. He gambled and lost his wife (Draupadi) in a game of dice. Then why is he given the title of ‘Dharmaraj’ (the supreme upholder of Dharma or moral virtues)?

    In those days, gambling was not considered a bad thing. Just like how today there are licensed bars, and government sanctioned liquor shops which have the permission to serve alcohol. In the same way, gambling was considered to be a sort of game or sp ...
  10. Gurudev, in addition to the earlier question, I have two other questions. First is: should we wear silk sarees, since silk worms die in the making of the sarees? Is it a sin?

    If you see it in that sense, then when you cut a banana plant or part of it to make the fabric out of it, then also you may think it is a sin, because it is also a jeeva (living being). What you really must strive for is to cause minimum amount ...