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  1. Gurudev, if we have to marry, why not marry the Divine. How to make that possible? Please guide.

    Marriage is a commitment. It is an internal thing, an internal bondage with the Divinity. Be in your house and continue doing what you are doing and in your mind your attachment is towards the Divine, that is it! If you are already married see the Div ...
  2. Gurudev, in the name of devotion some people pierce needles on their tongue and other parts of the body. Is it right to torture ourselves in the name devotion?

    No, this is not correct. Nowhere in the scripture does it say that you should do these torturous things. The Divine dwells in every heart and no one should torture oneself in order to please the Divine. ...
  3. I have seen the Bhagavad Gita and it is a fat book. How did Lord Krishna explain all the 700 shlokas in the Bhagavad Gita on the battle field?

    Sometimes you don’t need so many words to communicate. Communication happens faster, but when written it becomes longer. In those days wars would go on for many days. Mahabharata war also went on for many days and the preparations were for many days. So it ...
  4. What is Prayaschit?

    ‘Prayas’ means become young again. ‘Chit’ means your mind becoming young again. Your chitta, mind or consciousness becomes old when it is bogged down by regrets. To remove the regrets becoming new and young again is what Prayaschit is. I did a mistake ...
  5. Guruji you have said feelings are emotional garbage. Should we not share our feelings with our loved ones?

    Yes, you can share your feelings but don’t dwell on them too much. Observe if by you sharing your feelings whether you are doing any good to yourself or your love ones. Suppose you are not feeling good and you keep telling your friends that, are they ...
  6. I am good at making friends but bad at maintaining friendship, what do I do?

    You have identified the problem. Now the solution is to be friendly, but don’t try to be over friendly. Just be yourself and focus on yourself. Don’t go and log on to your friends all the time and think how to impress them and what their opinion of you is. ...
  7. Why do we get attached and how do we get over the feeling of attachment? It is very painful when the person whom we are attached to chooses to leave us.

    Remember, whatever is yours will always be yours. Whatever is not yours will come for a little while and then go. Wake up! Go deep in knowledge. ...
  8. Gurudev, how do I know that I am doing what you expect me to do? Am I on the right path? At times I feel very weak and cry a lot. How can I stop my tears?

    When you feel weak I am with you as your strength, you are not alone. Whenever you feel weak, know that you are not alone. Be clear with what you want in your life and what you want to do. Then plan and move on those plans. Sitting and crying bei ...
  9. But what about people who have betrayed me?

    Leave them and don’t be concerned. Uproot them from your heart. If they have betrayed you that is their karma, and your karma was to get betrayed and now it is over. The score has been settled. ...
  10. Jai Guru Dev, whom so ever I have loved whether my family or friends all have betrayed me and whatever I do for them goes wrong. I want to do something different and prove myself to them.

    What is the use of trying to prove yourself to them? If you attempt to prove something to them, it will only lead to a waste of energy. Leave it and move on. Instead do what you want for yourself. If you something good to prove to others, anyways ...