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  1. Beloved Guruji, in the world if we are in love with someone we have to cry. But if we are in love with you, then too we have to cry. What to do?

    ‘Kabira hasana door Kar, rone se kar preeti, bin roye kyon paiye, prem piyara meet.’ If some tears of love and of longing are shed then that is good, makes life worthwhile. ...
  2. In Ashtavakra you say to drop sense objects if you wish for freedom. Sometimes human values like compassion, love, etc., depend on sense objects. Should I drop this also?

    Yes, don’t hold on to anything, let go! Compassion and love is your nature, those will remain in you. There is a saying in Hindi, ‘neki kar kue mein daal’. If you think, ‘I am so good and everybody is bad’, that will make you sad. This attitude is ...
  3. Your advice is that we pick out and vote for an honest candidate. What should we do if all the candidates are corrupt?

    That is why I want a revision of the electoral system also. Our electoral system allows for a candidate to win an election with just eleven percent votes, which means eighty percent public has voted for other candidates. We need to change the electoral pro ...
  4. What is the plan of Art of Living to enter into active politics?

    Art of Living has none because we are in so many countries, in so many places. We don’t want to get into politics at any cost. At the same time we would definitely take responsibility in supporting the right person, the right candidate. So you all have to ...
  5. My parents are divorcing after thirty eight years of marriage. How to help them? I don’t want to take sides. Would you tell me what to do?

    Listen to both of them separately and don’t comment. Tell your father your mother loves him very much, and you tell your mother that your father loves her very much. And when there is love, there are fight and there is difference of opinion also. ...
  6. Gurudev, please tell me, what is my role in this life with respect to you? I want to do just that and not yearn for some role which you have not assigned to me.

    See what you can do. Make a list of all that you can do and I tell you, you can do more than what you write down. So first make your own list. ...
  7. Pain, poverty and prayer – what is the relationship? Why do only those who are in pain, or poverty resort to prayer?

    Not necessarily! The four types of people who pray are of course, one who is in pain, one who wants some more wealth they pray, and one who is on a deep quest and wants to know more about this life and knowledge. And then one who is enlightened, who is lib ...
  8. As per the law of attraction, whatever you resist persists. So the ‘anti-corruption’ word itself seems to make corruption more persistent in the society. Could you please suggest us a more positive word or a phrase instead of anti-corruption?

    ‘Divya Samaaj’. This is what we say, ‘Divya Samaaj Ka Nirmaan’ (Building a Divine society). In a divine society there is no room for corruption. Law is merely a treatment for corruption. Our job is to not allow this disease to catch on in society. The more ...
  9. It feels as though this is the battle of dharma in the present era. On the one hand there are the five Paandavas: Anna Hazare, Kiran Bedi, Arvind Kejriwal, Prashant Bhushan and Manish Sisodia. On the other side are the hundred Kauravs. We all know that in this battle also, you have played the role of Krishna. Guruji, will the truth prevail in this battle also, and for how long?

    It has happened already. Tomorrow at 10:00am Annaji will break his fast. The parliament has already given their voice vote today. Annaji, and the whole world wanted implementation of the three points: Lokaayukta should be established in all states, lower l ...
  10. When I am in the Ashram I feel so happy, how to continue this when I go out?

    You have to be well founded in the knowledge. Keep going for your follow-up sessions and get involved in some seva project. All of this will help. ...