13 Mar 2012 - QA 6

Our country (Pakistan) is going through very difficult stage. As Art of Living people how do you see us resolving the current issues that we have, especially with our neighbors. We need to strengthen our ties with all our neighboring countries, India, Afghanistan and even Iran.
So how do you see this energy that has been created by Art of Living coming forth and helping?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The decision makers need to be in a calm and collective mode. If decision makers are in tension, they are suffocated or angry then they will project the same thing in their decisions.
So I would say the decision makers should really do some meditation and relax; especially when they have to take a very important and serious decision which will implicate a lot of people. They should think with a calm and serene mind. This is one thing.
So decision makers at every level and advisers.
The people who give advice they just give advice being very logical and the decision makers take a decision based on that advice. So both the advisers and the decision makers will have to take out some time and become very calm inside. Then the decision will be correct and supporting to the values of human life. This is one thing.
Second is, most of the trouble is created by rhetoric. It is just the fear that is getting created, ‘Oh there is a danger, there is danger.’
So some people find importance in creating such dangerous situations. They should stop doing this. They should give more hope to people.
Do not paint the future very bleak, but give a bright hope to the future. That also will reduce the tension to a great extent.
So Art of Living can start educating people and engage in conflict resolution wherever it is possible.
I was saying earlier, I am ready to go and talk to the Taliban, and I want to talk to them, understand them and give them my opinion.
So we can definitely make a difference, and we should try again and again and again. Even if we have to try again a 100 times, we should not leave it.