
Leaving my comfort zone
was scary until

One word that helped me leave my friends, family, and city behind and take a leap into the unknown. 

Patanjali Yoga Sutras have been a life-transforming knowledge for me. Such a profound scripture explained so beautifully & lucidly by Gurudev, is something that always comes to my rescue. Especially when I remember a knowledge point in a tough situation, it is like a Eureka moment!

Nisha Soni SSY teacher

I will narrate an incident explaining how relevant and practical the knowledge is.

I was born and brought up in Kolkata- The City of Joy. Indeed it is a joyful place. I have always lived in this city, had a happy childhood, done my professional studies and I am working with a corporate here. I have a huge network of friends and lots of memories in every corner of the city.

Also, there are a lovely bunch of AOLites here who do seva together. They are the heart and soul for me in this city. I feel a lot of belongingness with them and with this place.

A few days back I got an opportunity to shift to Mumbai. It was a big opportunity for me. New city, new job, new people, new Life! I wanted to move out once and work in a new place. But when I finally got the chance, I was a little hesitant to leave everything behind and start a new chapter altogether. Moving to Mumbai meant that everything in my life would change. I was not able to make a decision.

Nisha Soni SSY Teacher

I called one of my close friends, who is also a Sri Sri Yoga teacher, and narrated my dilemma to her. She just said one word and my problem got resolved. That word was “Vairagya”. It struck me like a thunderbolt. I have been explaining the concept of vairagya to my students but had forgotten to apply it in my life. I was getting too attached to people and things in Kolkata. A little dispassion would make my decision easier. And that was it! My Eureka moment!

Such instances make me firm in my belief that in reality, a true Yogi is one who is equanimous and skillful. It serves as a reminder to practice Yoga off the mat as well!

Article by Nisha Soni

A little note: As community conversation facilitators, we believe in giving an individual the autonomy of expression. The views expressed in this piece are the author's own.