
Foolproof interview checklist to impress employers, get that dream job

Every job interview you gear up for is a new process. The first begins with you submitting your application for a job vacancy and then begins the journey. There are several aspects to acing that job interview which will give a boost to your career. One factor is to have domain knowledge and expertise. Next is to keep your resume updated, and required documents in order. There’s a lot that can happen next when you interact with the hiring managers and the human resources department during the question and interview rounds. 

A study conducted by Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation, and Stanford Research Center found that 85 percent of job success comes from soft skills, people management skills, and practical skills. Surprisingly, only 15 percent of job success comes from technical skills and theoretical knowledge (hard skills).

So apart from excelling in the theoretical interview questions, focus on developing your soft skills as well. The recruiters pay attention to soft skills as well. 


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Here is a checklist to keep in mind before you go for that next interview.

Pre-interview preparation: You can do this!  

1. Research & rehearse: Practice, practice, practice. 

  • Practice walking someone through your resume, paying attention to highlighting your achievements (You’re a star, flaunt it!)  
  • Read up about the organization and its vision. Check the latest news and updates about them. 
  • Understand the job profile and the expectations from the employee. 
  • Prepare a list of questions should the interviewer invite you to ask a few. In that case, always take the opportunity. 
  • Be ready for a gamut of questions: What are your career aspirations? Do you have a 10-year milestone? What are your strengths? Are you a team player or do you prefer to lead? 
  • Be well rested, and eat well. Getting enough sleep is critical to being at your best. This is truly important and your presence of mind, and answers will reflect all that and more. 

2. Be neatly groomed & well-dressed: 

It is said that 33 percent of employers know if they’re hiring someone in the first 90 seconds of the interview. First impressions do matter.

Choose appropriate clothing. Usually an interview requires formal dressing. 

“Never wear a backward baseball cap to an interview unless applying for the job of umpire”
- Dan Zevin

  • The clothes must be ironed well. 
  • Ensure your footwear is clean. 
  • Choose weather-appropriate clothing. (If it’s too hot, you might not want to spot a jacket, avoid light color clothes if it’s raining heavily). 
  • Keep a comb handy in your bag for those bad hair days. 
  • Look clean, neat and maintain personal hygiene. 
  • Always use a perfume / deodorant. 
  • If you’ve eaten before an interview, please gargle!

3. Be punctual:

Punctuality shows respect for self, and others. Being early already gives out a first impression about yourself. 

Map the route before hand, and factor in some extra time. 

4. Mental preparation:

  • Prep yourself to give your best at the interview. Go over all the points, so that you are comfortable and conversant. 
  • Prepare for surprises like a member of the senior management walking into the interview, or a change of job interview location. Just being aware of last minute changes will not throw you off guard. 
  • Brush up on the latest news and facts around your sector, and your foundation. It’s simply a process of remembering everything you’ve learnt, and gathered.

A quick secret to feeling calm before the interview: 

Your breath is your best friend.

Take a few deep breaths - be aware of the inflow and outflow of the air. This simple exercise will help you to stay in the present moment, and will calm your mind. 

You can use this technique before an interview, a mock-debate, a telephonic conversation with a prospective client, anytime. 

Protip: Make this a part of your daily routine. Take a quick break every hour and take 5-10 deep breaths with eyes closed. If the time or location does not permit, no worries. Just breathe with your eyes open. And get back to creating your day.  

At the job interview 

  • Switch onto the interview mode as soon as you reach the interview venue (and not the room)! 
  • Be formal in your greeting. 
  • Be attentive to everything around. These will give you cues on the kind of company it is. Be attentive to each person who takes you through to the interview room. 
  • Pay attention to the questions asked and what is being said. 
  • Speak clearly. If you don’t know the answer to a question, say so with confidence.
  • Understand what to say and when. 
  • Know how to make your presence felt. It’s easy for skill and talent to get sweeped away in the noise of many, especially if you’re part of a panel discussion. Speak up if you have valid and sensible contributions to make. As they say, if you have it, flaunt it. 
  • Always thank the interview for the time and opportunity.

The interviewer(s) 

  • Respect the interviewer’s time, and answer the questions succinctly. 
  • Maintain a formal body language. 
  • Maintain eye contact with everyone. 
  • Resist the urge to fidget with your hair or pen. 
  • Maintain a straight posture. 
  • Maintain a smile through the interview 
  • Greet each individual with a firm handshake 

Let your personality shine

  • The company wants to see you, the real you. 
  • Express yourself within the interview framework.
  • Keep your composure throughout. 
  • Keep yourself positive and strong. 
  • Dress and behave appropriately, yet with your unique flavor. 
  • Show your passion for your work, and willingness to upskill. 
  • Your personality has to match the job profile. If you’re applying for the post of a marketing executive, you won’t be shy and quiet, right? 

After the job interview 

Stay motivated & be grateful: A positive attitude always shines through. The best will come for you. So rest in that faith and keep upskilling. 

Mental make-up

This is the stuff that winners are made of. A strong sense of resilience and fortitude. It’s worth developing that even outside of an interview window. A future / present employer will want to see such a resilient attitude at all times. 

  • Have a strong sense of self-belief. 
  • Be passionate about your work. 
  • Know your short-term and long-term goals. 
  • Time and experience will tell you, and move you closer to what ultimately fulfills you. 

It’s never too early or too late to work on your mental make-up. Self-belief and strong resilience will take you places in your career, and life!  

“Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it.”
–Katherine Whitehorn

If you’re going to give an online job interview 

The world is moving towards online interviews and exploring ways in which people can effectively contribute remotely. While the avenues have opened up into an exciting space, it is a different mode of working. All of the above points would help you. You must convey your presence of mind, and personality through the internet. 

Here are some pointers to help you:  

  • Ensure the background area is well-lit so that you are visible clearly.
  • It’s nice to have a clear view, so cleaning up the area is a good idea. A lot of people opt in for backgrounds on their apps. These also might work well.  
  • Dress formally (you might not get away with a jacket and shots).
  • Let your device be at a suitable height, so you’re not looking down at the device. 
  • A good internet connection is important, breakages in the conversation can be disorienting. A back-up is also a good idea. 
  • Keep distractions away (A pet can be kept in another room, and pray they remain quiet.)
  • Ensure you have left the meeting.

“Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell ‘em, ‘Certainly I can!’ Then get busy and find out how to do it.” 
–Theodore Roosevelt

Just remember: a job is important and critical. It is the time you’re away from family, and  from doing other things. You could also look at a career being your contribution to the world. It’s your unique way of leaving a mark. 

So bring in confidence, excellence and passion to your job. Create new norms, constantly learn new skills, and believe in yourself. Your job interview is the first of many milestones in your career. Make it worth it!  

Do you want to learn the secrets to being positive, calm, and focussed, especially in make-or-break moments? Join the Online Meditation and Breath workshop here and learn techniques that will give you a winning edge. 

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