
8 Ways to Effortlessly Implement Mindfulness in Life and its Many Benefits

What is Mindfulness?

Being aware of your situation and surroundings and taking time to read through events in your life is called mindfulness. It allows you to focus on the moment and lead a stress-free life.

How present are you to the simple moment to moment activities of your daily routine like waking up, brushing your teeth, having your meal. Or does your mind wander away to the past or future while acting in the present?  Do you pause and appreciate every moment and feel gratified for your life? Seems quite impractical, right? Of course, we are all running for time and are anxious for many things in our ever-busy world, and it’s not easy (although very relaxing) to be present and aware of every moment! So what can we do to effortlessly implement mindfulness and its benefits in everyday life?  

Mindful Breathing and Meditation

To bring mindfulness into your daily life, start by taking slow and long breaths. Mindful breathing helps manifest mindfulness as your mind is brought to the present moment. Practice Pranayama and Meditation. Meditation is an age-old practice that soothes our minds and helps us visualize positivity. Meditation improves our awareness and brings mindfulness.

Be in the Present

Enjoy whatever you are doing in the present. Are you trying to plant a sapling, learning a new language, engrossed in your daily activities, having food or simply taking a nap; give it all your attention. Just being there in the present brings a sense of calmness and also makes us more effective and efficient with our actions.

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Find Your Relax Aide

There are many mindfulness activities that you can do daily to relax and take the day as it comes. Preparing yourself a meal, singing, cleaning the house, taking a walk in nature, a small nap, helping someone, or writing down your feelings in a journal helps you appreciate every day. It also makes you feel good about life, relieves stress and anxiety, and keeps you grounded.

Listen and Observe

The benefits of mindfulness can only be reaped when you enjoy being in the present. When people talk to you, observe and listen to them with awareness. Observing makes you more aware of the pattern of thoughts, knowledge, and perspectives of different people. It helps you understand them better and leads to meaningful conversations, which eventually enables you to deal with external challenges by managing people better.

Reflect on the Events

Sometimes, it’s essential to take a break and reflect on the events of life. Pay attention to what’s happening in your life, in your surroundings. Pay attention to your breathing, your health and your emotions concerning the events. Observe the happenings in your life from a distance by reflecting on them. You may get a different perspective and be better at dealing with them. It will also relieve you from unnecessary attachment.

Put up Notes for self

We might forget to slow things down once in a while. Putting up notes for self could help greatly. These notes should not only remind you not to pile your work but also enjoy doing them. Notes like ‘Smile, take a break, enjoy the yogurt, play with your kid, read the book’ could remind you to be mindful. Stick them around the house and push away any distractions.


Connect with your body to implement the benefits of mindfulness in life. Be comfortable and pay attention to every part of your body, every distraction in your mind. Bring your awareness to your present, focus on your breaths and let go of any nagging thoughts. Practicing mindfulness and meditation regularly enhances your mental well-being, frees you from stress, and improves your relationships drastically.

“In Samadhi, that deep state of meditation, you are given energy and long-lasting bliss. It carries you higher and higher until your very presence radiates love.”

~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Live with Purpose

Goals make life purposeful and mindfulness helps us achieve our goals daily. Be it on the personal front (to finish a project) or on the social front (to help people in need, be kind to them, etc.), mindfulness makes us more aware of our responsibilities. Mindfulness increases our alertness, enhances our intuitive ability, and improves our values, ethics and morality. 

“Mindfulness is about love and loving life. When you cultivate this love, it gives you clarity and compassion for life, and your actions happen in accordance with that.” 

~ Jon Kabat Zinn

If you are seeking peace and clarity in life and want to blissfully live every moment, learn the art of meditation and experience life like never before.

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