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  1. How to make meditation a daily habit

    We all juggle multiple roles in a day that our personal and professional lives demand of us. This leaves us feeling tired, exhausted, and burned out. In such a situation, it becomes very tough to motivate ourselves to get up and meditate.  Are you also so ...
  2. A beginner’s guide on how to meditate

    Meditation is, both, a process and a state of mind.  It is the process of going inwards. It can happen at any point in time – while you sit cross-legged with your eyes closed, while you are staring at a distance while driving, observing a natural scenery ...
  3. 7 lockdown-special guided meditations by Gurudev that you will love even after the lockdown is over

    The world has been reeling in fear and anxiety with the COVID-19 pandemic for the past few months. Amidst the chaos, millions have found solace in Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s daily online meditations. We have hand-picked seven of the best-guided medita ...
  4. Honey, I miss the lockdown meditation

    The essential post-lockdown guide for every kind of meditator    A few nights ago, I was really excited to attend a global satsang and meditation hosted by children on Zoom. I had bookmarked this event for a few days, and there I was ready, sitting in my ...
  5. 7 Chakras in human body, significance & how to balance them

    What are 7  chakras in the human body? How important are they for us? There are seven chakras or energy centers in the human body through which our vital energy or prana shakti flows. Sometimes, these energy channels get blocked and this leads to illness ...
  6. Meditation for 7 Chakras in Body

    Have you ever noticed that you tend to touch your belly after a delicious meal that has you blissed out? Or that your eyebrows furrow when you are angry? Do you recall that lump in your throat the last time you cried? Why do we subconsciously associate ou ...
  7. A brief introduction to Tratak meditation

    Yoga means the union of the atma (soul) and paramatma (supreme soul).  It is the ultimate goal of human life. It is believed that to begin the process of yoga, one must first purify the body and the mind. In the ancient texts of Hatha Yoga (a branch of yo ...
  8. How a 20-minute meditation can save your mind from COVID-19 fear & loneliness

    “Since you cannot go outside, it’s a great time to go within.”  You’ve probably read this on your social feed. Keep calm during this quarantine is the favour of the season my friends. But it is tough going, isn’t it? Everybody is grappling with a sense of ...
  9. Live in the moment: You can stay centered in the face of chaos

    By Elizabeth Herman | Posted: February 13, 2020 (The world has been through several ups and downs since its beginning. COVID-19, the global pandemic which has led to lockdown in several parts of the world, is demanding our society to take a lesson from th ...
  10. 4 ways how meditation prevents overthinking

    Someone texts you a bad news in the middle of the day. You are sad and you ruminate over it. One thought leads to another and before you know it, you are upset about things that are not even related to the news you received. That was just one example of o ...