Have you often found yourself postponing your yoga journey since many months now? Getting up an hour early and attending that first yoga class always seems like a daunting task?

It is always the first step that ‘seems’ difficult but is not. Yoga is a rewarding practice and has something for everyone, whether you are a young working professional who needs to sit for long hours at work, a young mother or a child. The practice of yoga can be interesting, fun and simple, if learned properly.

If you are a beginner, and ready to embrace the practice but unsure of how to go about it, here are some simple yet useful tips you must keep in mind to ensure you reap the most out of your practice.

1. De-clutter your surroundings

Ensure to practice in a clean and comfortable space which is noise-free and devoid of any other distractions. This helps in easily transitioning your attention from the outer world to the inner world. You must also ensure that the room is properly ventilated and receives good amount of sunlight. This would help make your practice deeper as you will inhale and exhale pure air and soak in some vitamin D.

Practice in a well-lit and ventilated space

2. Go easy with your attire

Wear simple and comfortable clothes to have a hassle-free experience. Avoid wearing tight clothes such as jeans, t-shirts, accessories like belt or jewellery that may hinder the body’s movements. Tight clothes and accessories can leave your wrists, waist and fingers injured.


Go easy with your attire

3. Always use a yoga mat

Apart from providing the much-needed cushioning for the joints, a yoga mat helps in preventing slips and slides during the poses thereby providing a stable surface to practice the asanas. Whether you are holding the downward dog asana or resting in child’s pose, a comforting yoga mat can make all the difference. Even after using the yoga mat, you are feeling strained in your joints, it is advisable to use a cushion to avoid any further injuries. 


Always use a yoga mat

4. Don’t forget to breathe

Asanas are not any form of aerobics or some random body movements. They must be done with complete awareness and in tandem with the breath. Even when you are lifting your arm, you should be completely aware that you are lifting the arm, be aware of every muscle being used in the movement. This awareness should also be there when transitioning from one asana to another.

The sacred yoga text by Maharishi Patanjali, Patanjali Yoga Sutras describe the correct way to perform any asana. Sthiram Sukham Asanam which means when holding an asana, one must be comfortable and stable. Taking long and deep breaths helps the muscles to relax. This is the reason why the Art of Living yoga instructors, during their classes, stress on taking deep and long breaths when in any asana. Doing so helps the body and mind to stay stable, ensuring that the asana can be held for longer.

5. Go that extra mile!

Gurudev suggests to initially stretch a little more than what you can and then, relax. Going slightly beyond your comfort zone will make the practice challenging and interesting, allowing you to progress and try new postures. He says one must make an effort and then, let go off the effort.


Stretch a little more and then, relax

6. Incorporate Sri Sri yoga flow in daily routine

The Sri Sri Yoga flow is a beautiful and holistic approach to yoga, and one must incorporate it in their daily routine to reap its multiple benefits. It is a yoga sequence made up of breathwork (pranayama), asanas and yoga nidra/meditation.

Benefits –

a)     The flow helps improve the body’s flexibility, and strengthens the muscles

b)     Deepens one’s self-awareness and centeredness

c)     The pranayama practices energize the mind and body making you feel fresh throughout the day.

d)     Yoga Nidra/ meditation helps one relax on a deeper level.

Watch this easy, full body yoga session by Mayur Karthik, Faculty, Art of Living, Sri Sri School of Yoga, which is in Sri Sri Yoga flow.-  

7. Learn from a certified yoga teacher only

Certified yoga teachers like the ones from the Art of Living can monitor your progress on a daily basis and give feedback accordingly. If you have a medical condition, you must inform your yoga instructor prior to the commencement of the training. It will help the teacher customize your yoga practice to suit your body. It is also advisable to avoid practising yoga by watching YouTube videos as yoga is something that must be practised under guidance.

8. Stay light on the stomach and stay hydrated

It is advised to practice yoga on an empty stomach or at least 2 hours after the last meal. Also, make sure to stay hydrated throughout the day with at least three to four litres of water as it helps in flushing out the toxins from the body which may have been released during the practice.

Woman-Using- Smartphone-Workout-yoga

Stay hydrated and light on the stomach

9. Don’t forget to warm up!


Warm up exercises are crucial

Sukshma Vyayam or gentle warm-up exercises must be the first segment of any yoga class. Warmups are a set of light exercises that bring in use the different body parts and activate the joints and muscles of the body. It is important to improve the blood circulation and functioning of the organs. These exercises help loosen up the body and prepare it for the yoga postures coming ahead. You can learn a simple and effective warm-up sequence at the Sri Sri Yoga Level 1 program.

Watch the video to learn about some warm-up exercises.

10. End the session with meditation or yoga nidra


End the practice with some relaxation techniques

Gurudev says the purpose of yoga is to go deep into relaxation, to transition from movement to stillness, from sound to silence.

As you near the completion of your yoga practice, don’t be in a hurry to get up and rush to finish the day’s chores. It is highly advisable to relax in Yoga Nidra or meditation for a few minutes, as it helps cool down the body and relax both physically and mentally. It helps consolidate the energy produced through asana practice. One can slip into deeper meditation after cooling down with Yoga Nidra.

You can practice guided Yoga Nidra in Gurudev’s voice here –

11. Listen to your body!

Do as much as your body allows. Each body has its own limitations and is unique. Hence, it is important to respect the body and go with the flow. Forcing the body to do otherwise can lead to drastic health repercussions.

12. Most importantly, smile and enjoy the practice

Keeping a gentle smile on the face relaxes the body and mind. It helps you enjoy the yoga asanas much more. With a calm mind, you can push your limits and stretch further. Don’t forget to have fun!


Smile and enjoy the practice

    Hold On!

    Don't leave without a smile

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