
List of 10 - minute meditations with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Meditation brings profound and long-lasting benefits into every aspect of our daily lives. While science has enumerated the many benefits of meditation, bringing it to practice into our day-to-day life can be a bit challenging, what with perennial deadlines staring us in the face, and our attention span spread thin across multiple tasks – both professional and personal.

Why meditate? 

Your reasons to meditate could be anything – to overcome anxiety, build better relationships with people, gain a smidgen of control on the emotional roller coaster that life is, to develop a new lifestyle or just to stop the nonstop chattering of the mind. Whatever your reason is, pat yourself on the back for taking the first steps to potentially transform your perspective on life!


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Benefits of short meditations

Many people are averse to meditating because they believe it is effective only when done for long durations. This could not be farther from the truth. 

While it is a good habit to sit for 20 minutes of meditation twice a day, short meditations such as 10-minute meditations are a good place to start as they help ease you into the process seamlessly. In fact, a five-minute meditation in the morning or a quick meditation at work or even on a long commute can help achieve a sense of calm and relaxed awareness.

Who would prefer short meditations?

Today’s lifestyle has left little time on our hands. Whether you are a corporate honcho, student, or homemaker, you are probably busy 24/7. And then, if you are a first-time meditator, you might find it strange to sit in silence. It is easier to get into a deep meditative state with The Art of Living’s guided meditations, with the soothing voice of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar to take you through it. So, we have curated a few 10-minute online guided meditation videos by Gurudev for you. Feel free to tune into whichever one appeals to your mood as you meditate.

10-minute meditations you can do during your breaks

The only rule for meditation is to do nothing! So, sit comfortably, relax, and get rid of the endless babble in your mind.

1. Short meditation for beginners

If you are new to meditation and want to experience the benefits that it can bring you, here is a powerful meditation you can do anywhere. To help ease you into the practice of meditation and tap into the power of the ‘now’, all it takes is 10 minutes.

2. Meditation for instant relaxation 

This is Day 1 of the 21-day meditation challenge made especially for beginners. After a hard day’s toil, this meditation is like manna from heaven! Experience deep relaxation with this short 10 minute guided meditation

3. Guided meditation to remove restlessness

Feeling restless? Or perhaps you are anxious as you have a big day ahead of you? Then this meditation is for you. Counter the stress responses like those butterflies in your stomach, sweaty palms, and the heavy weight on your chest with this quick and relaxing meditation.

4. Meditation to honor your body, breath, and mind 

This guided meditation attends to the three most important dimensions of our life – body, breath, and mind. Follow the instructions gently and reinvigorate each dimension. It is especially helpful for improving concentration and becoming aware of your body’s sensations.

5. Morning meditation

If you are up for a slightly longer meditation, you can try this 15-minute meditation. A new day brings with it new beginnings and a wondrous sense of the endless possibilities that it holds. Channelize the energy that a new day brings to enable you to make the most of it with heightened awareness as well as a perceptive acumen.

6. Chanting meditations

Chanting mantras can also lead us into a meditative state. Here are a couple of mantras that you can chant for 5-7 minutes after which you may sit with your eyes closed for a few minutes and meditate:

A. Satyam Param Dhimahi

Literally translated, it means becoming aware of the truth and the divinity of the transcendental that we uphold within us. Chanting this mantra takes us into a realm of awareness and serenity.

B. Om Namah Shivaya

An age-old chant, the hymns of which energize our body and mind, and also purify the environment around us. The five syllables - Na Ma Shi Va Ya -  signify the five elements that are the building blocks of the entire creation

A few additional things to keep in mind while meditating:

  • Ensure you’re in a comfortable position; small discomforts like itchy attire or an awkward sitting position can easily distract you.
  • Don’t fret about whether you are ‘doing it right’ or not. (This can actually make meditation more stressful!)

These meditations help you approach your day feeling more relaxed and refreshed. Frequent practice of meditation is a very effective de-stressing tool and you can start with just 10 minutes! Meditation is effective both in the short term by reversing the body’s response to stress as well as in the long term keeping you calm when faced with stress.

If you are looking for a mantra-based meditation technique that can take you into the deep recesses of the mind, explore the Sahaj Samadhi Dhyana Yoga. It can help you become collected, and connected with your inner Self.

(Based on Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s short online meditation videos)

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