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  1. 16 reasons to practice yoga daily

    “Yoga is undoubtedly the best app that everyone must download in their life.”-Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Just like a regular app streamlines productivity and efficiency, Daily Yoga reduces stress, makes you feel happier and sleep better. You will agree ...
  2. Yoga to Balance and Open Up Chakras

    A chakra or a wheel is a point of prana (energy) in our subtle body, located in the physical counterparts of our body like the veins, arteries and nerves. Yoga is an extremely beneficial way to release the prana or life force whenever it is stuck. Yoga re ...
  3. 6 Surprising & Profound Health Lessons I Learned During Quarantine

    It was week 5 of the lockdown. Life in quarantine was full of promise – of unending tasks. Like the rest of the world, I was neck-deep in household chores and office deadlines. Scrubbing the bathroom floors, while simultaneously doing a mental count of th ...
  4. Sun Salutation mantras and their meaning

    The sun sustains life on earth. Our ancient seers acknowledged this and revered the Sun. The Surya Namaskar is an appreciation in motion that is offered to the sun. It involves twelve yoga postures or asanas signifying the sun's cycles which run at a ...
  5. This June 21st, make a promise to yoga

    It is a living entity whose existence is much like the existence of a genie. It appears magically out of thin air upon a call, to help and caress me when I need it. It sways me in its lap like a mother until my worries dissolve into oblivion. It is someon ...
  6. Yoga Nidra – The yogic power nap and why you need it

    Yoga brings deep rest to the body and mind. It not only rejuvenates your mind but also adds vigor to the body. It’s a good idea to end your daily yoga practice with Yoga Nidra or yogic sleep. Simply described as an effortless relaxation, Yoga Nidra is an ...
  7. Quit smoking with these yoga tips

    Have you ever wistfully watched your coworkers head to the sidewalk for a smoking break? Or have you joined them for a smoke break too? Is it just because of that accepted 10-15 minutes of downtime (perhaps several times a day) that a nicotine addiction b ...
  8. Quit smoking naturally with yoga

    The nature of the mind is to seek happiness, joy, and ecstasy. Sometimes, the mind cannot find this in the area of the five senses. When it is not satisfied with just seeing, hearing, tasting, touching or smelling, it starts to crave. The mind longs for t ...
  9. Ashtanga Yoga- Patanjali's Yoga Sutras

    Patanjali's Yoga Sutras Patanjali, an ancient sage, defined yoga as the ‘restraining of thought waves'. He compiled ‘Patanjali's Yoga Sutras', the aphorisms of yoga, in which he provides an eight-limbed approach for the well-being and ...
  10. A Guide on How to do 108 Surya Namaskar Daily

    Are you curious to know how to do 108 Surya Namaskar in one session? Want to know the steps to reach this Goal of 108 Surya Namaskar with a proper plan? This guide on how to do 108 Surya Namskar daily will help you reach there. Surya Namaskar  is a series ...