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  1. Why is it that sometimes we don’t trust in the Guru. Why do we have doubts that arise?

    Should you follow the Guru? I am asking you. How many of you think that you should follow the Guru, raise your hands? (Everyone in the audience raise their hands). If you are following the Guru, that means the Guru is also walking. He hasn&rsquo ...
  2. How to keep trusting people after many frustrations in life?

    You don’t need to keep trust in people, you need to keep trust in the one divinity, the one truth, and know that only the best will happen to you. You should trust yourself that you can handle them. ...
  3. I trust people but often have to pay the price for it as well and get harmed. So should I trust people or not?

    Three kinds of trust are important in life.1. Self-confidence or trust in the self. You must have complete faith in yourself. When you have total faith and yourself and firmly believe that 'everything good shall happen to me', then ...
  4. How can I trust men?

    Actually, you don’t trust yourself. If you trust yourself, you can trust anybody. I am not asking you to be naive; be intelligent, be sharp, be alert, and understand people from a bigger perspective.When you’re too emotional, you fail ...
  5. How can I trust men?

    Actually, you don’t trust yourself. If you trust yourself, you can trust anybody. I am not asking you to be naive; be intelligent, be sharp, be alert, and understand people from a bigger perspective.When you’re too emotional, you fail ...
  6. Gurudev, are love and devotion the same? What should I do if the person whom I love betrays my trust?

    Even then be grateful to God.What good is the faith that shakes? Faith is that which remains firm even during tough times. Suppose you place your trust in someone and got betrayed. Then just remind yourself that it is all a play of the Divine< ...
  7. Gurudev, how do I see through people’s intention. Because of my trusting nature both my personal and professional life are in a mess.

    See, you are thinking about something else and you’re asking a different question. First, don’t label yourself, that I am trusting by nature. The moment you put that label, somewhere inside, you don’t really trust. Trust is something that just comes up ins ...
  8. Gurudev, I feel that in this world, the intelligent people are full of doubt, while the stupid ones are full of confidence. Why is it so?

    Doubt, within a limit, is a sign of intelligence. Beyond a limit, it is a disease. If you have self-doubt, then you can’t do anything. Doubt can clog your intellect like a disease. Also, if you keep on doubting everybody around you, you can’t do business. ...
  9. Jai Gurudev! When work gets done very well with trust and faith then we feel very good, but sometimes something bad happens or we have a bad experience then at such time how should one handle such situations with trust and faith?

    See this is how things happen in life. There are some good things and some bad things, and some unfortunate events also happen. We should not stop, just continue to move ahead. If you sit and analyze, do a post mortem, then more time gets wasted. ...
  10. In the Upanishads you speak about getting close to the master. Does this also mean in a physical way.

    We are already here. We are physically sitting close here to one another, is it not so? Closeness comes from your mind and felt in your heart. If your mind is elsewhere, and is filled with doubts and negativity, then even though you may be sitting rig ...