What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. Doer vs. Non-doer

    You Are Both – the Doer and the Non-doer There is a beautiful story in the Upanishads which goes, “On the tree of this universe, there are two birds sitting – one is enjoying the fruit, the other is just watching, like a witness”.This story indicates the ...
  2. How To Develop Virtues

    You Are the Source of All Virtues As human beings, we have tremendous qualities and virtues. You don’t have to look for virtues outside – you are the source of all virtues. But in the stress of day-to-day life, these virtues get hidden. A seed has a membr ...
  3. What is Karma?

    What is Karma? There are billions and billions of living creatures and so many kinds of feelings arise within each of them. All of these feelings propel or cause some action. That feeling is called Karma, and the (resultant) action is also called Karma. S ...
  4. Why It Is Important To Be Generous

      "Give in such a way that the other does not even feel they have taken. This is generosity, and this is the beauty. Two Internal Tendencies Taking from another Giving to another Which value system we are imbibing in our children is worth noting. If our ch ...
  5. Are You Picking Up Someone's Emotions?

    "The most intelligent thing to do is not to hate anybody because whomsoever you hate, you get those impressions embedded in you. A gardener is working in the garden. When you work in a garden, you will definitely get dirty. Your gloves will get dirty, your ...
  6. How to rise above negativity

      "When your intellect becomes sharper and more soaked in knowledge, you will immediately be able to rise above negativity." When you have judgement or labels against people, your behavior starts getting disturbed. You become stiff because of the seeds of ...
  7. Why Vegetarianism Is Preferred in Spirituality

    There are many benefits to being vegetarian. If you run a search on Google, you will find plenty of research available on this topic. Otherwise, the world would not take to it so promptly. A few decades ago, vegetarian food was not available in Berlin and ...
  8. 10 Steps to Improve Communication Skills

    With the right communication skills, we can turn any negative situation into a positive one. In this article, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar shares 10 steps one can take to develop effective communication at work and in personal relationships. Effective Com ...
  9. Understanding the Chakras and Kundalini Energy

    What is Kundalini? There is consciousness present within our whole body, and it is divided in the upper and lower halves of the body. This divine force or consciousness is called as the Kundalini Shakti. Kundam is the body or pot, and the energy inside th ...
  10. What Is Gupt Daan

    What is Gupt Daan? In India, there is something called as Gupt Daan, which means a secret gift. It is when you donate or give someone something without telling anyone that you are giving. You don’t want your name to be put on the name plate which says tha ...