What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. How to get over a broken heart

    The Strength to Move On Relationships can cause you so many problems and you get so heartbroken. When a relationship breaks down, you get so devastated as though you cannot exist anymore. At that time, it is wisdom that can give you the strength to move o ...
  2. How To Deal With Problems In Relationships

    Q: Why do we lose we losing our freedom and lightness as soon as a relationship goes deeper? You don’t need to. A relationship should come from a space of contributing, not demanding, then it will be nurturing. In every relationship, if we think, “What ca ...
  3. Adopt A Happy State Of Mind

    It is only with a great amount of technology that we found that Jupiter has 12 moons, but some 10,000 years ago, the ancient people wrote that Jupiter has 12 moons. It is so fascinating; one wonders as to how people in the ancient time knew all this?In sc ...
  4. Touching the Space of Humility

    Gurudev, I always feel that I have received more than I deserve, and I feel uncomfortable.. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You should feel comfortable. When you feel you have received more than you deserve, you become grateful, you feel life is a gift to you. When ...
  5. How Crazy Are You?

    The question ‘Who am I’ has been pricking me since childhood and has not gone away and it drives me absolutely insane. Nothing makes sense. What to do? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You are such a fortunate person. If other questions are driving you insane, I woul ...
  6. Significance of Janmashtami

    What is Janmashtami? Janmashtami is the day we celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna. Since the last 5100 and odd years, the birth of Krishna is being celebrated. But Krishna says, "I am never born." It is like this – a potter makes a pot and suddenly the s ...