Service Projects for my story

  • In That Space of Freedom

    Sitting on a field after a tiring game of football, away from the other boys, Sandeep, would often get lost in the vast, never ending field of the human mind. He wanted to know and understand the intricacies...
  • The Journey from War to Peace

    This is the story of and around Sushanto Singh's life, which can be briefly divided into two eras; Pre-Sudarshan Kriya and Post-Sudarshan Kriya. Era before Sudarshan Kriya: It was around the age of 30,...
  • A Wonder Called Taru

    “Hey, you’re in the 6th grade and you still herd goats?” asked her friend mockingly. “Yes, I still herd goats. I love herding goats. In fact I’ll herd goats forever,” she replied with a cracked voice and...
  • The Birth of a Spiritual Mukhiya

    Burudi, like most of the villages in interior Jharkhand existed between the currents of Naxalism and alcohol, the later being more distasteful as it fails to achieve anything other than self destruction,...
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