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  1. When I do not know much about liberation how will I get the desire to be liberated?

    When you feel the bondage only then will you desire for liberation. When you are happy and you do not feel any bondage, then the desire for liberation will not come. One who does not wish for happiness gets liberation, and one who does not even desire ...
  2. Dear Guruji, the girl I like runs away from me. What to do?

    There must be something seriously wrong with the way you are expressing your love to her. Your love is so intense and you must be expressing it so hard. You see, if you are standing under a shower and the jet is too strong, definitely people will have ...
  3. My sister is mentally ill. She is really good at pulling our energy down and making us upset. I stay away from her, as much as I can. But she is very lonely. How to find the balance between responsibility for others and for yourself?

    When you know someone is a patient, don’t listen to them. Be with them with ear-plugs. You get upset because you take their words and behavior inside your head. You should make your head foolproof so that you don’t absorb things from others, and help ...
  4. What is love?

    Look into the eyes of an innocent child and see, that is love! Come back home to your pet dog, see how it wags its tail and jumps all over you, that is love! And when you have fallen in love with someone and you are remembering them, look at your face ...
  5. Gurudev, many psychologists say that love is just our imagination. I have also read that true love is born out of truth alone. Is there a relationship between love and truth?

    Love is something which is present everywhere. Sometimes it can arise from imagination, sometimes it can arise spontaneously without any reason. Sometimes it can arise by just seeing someone or while resting it can arise. Sometimes, while taking a walk in ...
  6. Gurudev, why is it that falling in love is so easy, but staying in love is very difficult?

    Because of attachment, you cling on to it. You fall in love and then you become a policeman. An investigating agent who goes on poking into every little thing and gets bogged down by that. When you have a larger vision, a bigger goal and enough work t ...
  7. Opposite values are complimentary. Does love have a compliment or does it have the opposite?

    I think you have not heard my Bhakti Sutra talk. You must hear it. There is one love that has hatred. There is another level of love that has no opposite – that is the Divine Love; that is the Spiritual Love. There is one, that emotional love – ‘Oh, I ...
  8. Could you talk about healing please?

    Healing happens! When the energy is high and when there is love, healing automatically happens. ...
  9. Is it possible as a normal human being to love unconditionally?

    Yes, as a child you were doing it. As a child you were expressing such a love. It is possible. ...
  10. How can I find the true love in me?

    When you relax you find that you are love. You are made up of a substance called love. Love is not just an emotion; it is your very existence. It also gets expressed in emotion but in reality our consciousness, our mind and our spirit is made up of love. ...