
QnA with Gurudev: Bad karma,
mistakes, and God


All questions are safe. When you hear the right answer, you say, ‘I agree.’ Every answer is supposed to bring in a yes mind. But if every answer creates more questions, it is an endless journey. It is an intellectual exercise. Should there be no questions at all? Intellect is an important part. Vedanta doesn’t shun the intellect. It says that you should use your intellect. Devotion and love help one go beyond the intellect. 


Clearing bad karma

Q. How do I clear my bad karma?

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Lord Krishna says you cannot get rid of your own karma. Don’t worry about your bad karma. It will automatically go away when you meditate, practice Sudarshan Kriya, and be in Satsang. 

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Getting over mistakes and bad habits

Q. Why do you not get angry knowing that I commit the same mistake over and over again?

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Don’t sit and brood over the past. At least you have the pain of the mistake. That will prevent you from doing it frequently. Why do you do a mistake? When you think you are getting some pleasure out of it. Habits promise you joy. You need three things to overcome bad habits - love, fear, or greed. You need love for something deep and strong. Making a promise to a loved one helps. If a doctor tells you that you will die if you take alcohol, then also you will quit. If someone tells you that you will get a million dollars if you abstain from alcohol for the next 40 days, you may say why 40, why not 80 to be on the safer side?

Dealing with people with different opinions

Q. Someone said that I am not living in reality and being brainwashed when I am listening to you. I said that There is nothing wrong with listening to you. Anyway, my question is shall I treat that person as not my friend because this relationship is becoming very toxic?

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I don't understand the word ‘brainwash’. We are cleaning the brain. When someone has nothing to say, they say that you are brainwashed. What are their benchmarks of genuineness? Suppose someone says that you are brainwashed, the best is to not argue with them. I won’t say cut off from people. Accept people as they are. You don’t need to convince everyone about everything that you do. Is it so bad to breathe? People keep changing their minds. Don’t be bothered. You stay friendly and loving. What is relevant is your attitude. There are some who feel whatever you do is wrong. That is their perception. 

Who is God?

Q) God cannot be alive. That is the concept we have grown up with. My mind cannot fully embrace you as a person. I can feel the Divine, but I cannot understand. 

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: God is love and love is god. There is nothing that is not God. God is not a person. It is a field. It is everywhere. God is alive right now. All that is only you. That is when people went up to Buddha, and he told them he cannot answer anything about God. Leave God to himself. In India, God is resting on a bed of serpents. Be a good human being. From time to time, be still and experience the stillness. Right now, be in peace.



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