
Why should you become a
Sri Sri Yoga teacher?

“When you teach, you learn better.”

A teacher shares with me her inspiration for becoming a yoga teacher. Being a yoga practitioner is not practicing yoga for self-care and benefits. But being a yoga teacher, you learn something new every day while witnessing students' experiences and helping them achieve their yogic goals.

If your mind still questions, “Why become a yoga teacher?”, let me share that it is one career that pays well, has flexible working hours, and is a noble profession. I call it noble as it helps to cure some ailments and prevent others.

“Sri Sri School of Yoga is a leading yoga institution”, as pointed out by the Yoga Certification Board of the Ministry of AYUSH (Govt. of India). Now the question is, “What is so unique about being a yoga teacher from the Sri Sri School of Yoga?”

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Why become a Sri Sri Yoga Teacher?

SSY teaches yoga in its pure form with technical skills and a pragmatic scientific approach. Sri Sri Yoga Teachers’ Training program (SSY TTP) of the Sri Sri School of Yoga is designed to take you through a journey of inner awakening.

Want to become a Sri Sri Yoga Teacher? Sri Sri School of Yoga is a leading yoga institution where the lineage of yoga comes alive.


Here are a few reasons to become a yoga teacher from the Sri Sri School of Yoga.

  1. Imbibe holistic integration of the eight limbs of yoga into your practice

In SSY TTP, you get an opportunity to experience and incorporate all the eight limbs of yoga in pristine environs. Asanas (postures), Pratyahara (withdrawing the senses), Dhyana (meditation), Dharana (focussing the mind), Pranayama (breath), Niyamas (rules), and Yamas (ethics). Participants get to experience and apply yogic learnings beyond the yoga mat.

  1. Become an expert mentor

The program graduates undergo rigorous training. You are equipped with a deep understanding and experience of yoga to convey to your students. Each student has a unique set of challenges (physical and mental) and possibilities in life. It is a challenge for the yoga teacher to skilfully help them break their barriers (physical and mental) and bring out their better version.

  1. Gain transformational knowledge

The simplicity of Gurudev’s approach in SSY TTP is to combine the fundamental principles of practice (Sadhana), service (Seva), and devotion (Satsang) – this unique approach enables individuals to grow and society to blossom in human values.

  1. Provides certifications by international yoga authorities and other institutions

The curriculum of the program is aligned with the Quality Council of India (QCI) standards of the Yoga certification Board of Ayush Ministry of India (Govt. of India). The QCI certification enables you to teach yoga globally. You get certified by other institutions like Yoga Alliance (USA) and the Indian Yoga Association. Post-evaluation certification happens.

Want to become a Sri Sri Yoga Teacher? Sri Sri School of Yoga is a leading yoga institution where the lineage of yoga comes alive.


  1. Gain in-depth practical and theoretical knowledge

It offers an in-depth practical and theoretical knowledge of gyaan yoga, bhakti yoga, Karma yoga, Raaj yoga, Hatha yoga, Shat kriyas, Human anatomy and physiology, communication skills and teaching methodology.

  1. Your presence becomes powerful

When students connect with the teacher so well that they look forward to your class, then understand that your presence has the power. In SSY TTP, you will learn to give your students undivided attention and lift their energy to master the challenging poses.

  1. Learn to conduct the Detoxification process

The detoxing process is one of the favorite parts of the program for some participants. It not only cleans the body inside out but also makes one experience a whole new body. As an SSY yoga teacher, you can conduct the process to rejuvenate your students.

  1. Be ever ready

It is not just the body that becomes flexible with yoga but it’s also your mind. The aspirants learn that Yoga is a skill needed to handle any situation in life.

  1. Bring harmony to life

Yoga is not just about asanas or the body but about the seven layers of existence - body, breath, mind, intellect, memory, ego, and Self. A harmony within all the seven layers is the ultimate experience of the SSY TTP.


SSY TTP is a combo of knowledge, wisdom, fun and interaction. It seeks to expand the world’s understanding of yoga. Keeping the original roots of yoga intact, SSY TTP is applicable for daily use by people of all ages, abilities, religions and cultures.



Vasanthi Iyer shares, “After doing the Sri Sri Yoga Teachers’ Training program, I started finding beauty in small little things in life.” 


Based on inputs by Deepti Thapa, Faculty, Sri Sri Yoga

Written by: Pratibha Sharma


Reference link

Sri Sri School of Yoga 

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