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  1. Is it necessary to fast every week?

    We fast not to please the Divine, but to cleanse our body. You overwork your liver, stomach and pancreas so much. If there was a labor court for the body, all these organs would have complained against you in that court. We don’t allow them to res ...
  2. Nowadays, we see a lot of adulteration of food? What is to be done to prevent adulteration of food, grains and medicines?

    That is the reason The Art of Living has started organic food and medicines. We had no intentions of starting any medicines before. Its only when we saw that the medicines available were not pure, we thought, why don't we do it? At the lowest cost, make ...
  3. Some vegetables such as onion and garlic are considered tamasic, but western doctors recommend these for their dietary benefits.

    That is good. Even in Ayurveda it is said that if you have cholesterol problem you can have onion or garlic, but not as everyday food. Sometimes you can take them for its medicinal value.If someone goes deep into meditation and they can't come ...
  4. Gurudev, what is the importance behind Anna-daan (donating food grains in charity)? Is there any special significance of doing Anna-daan on specially auspicious days such as Shivaratri, or Navratri?

    See, the very first layer of our body is the Annamaya Kosha (the gross or outermost layer of the body nourished and sustained by food). Food affects the prana (subtle life force) and our prana has an effect on our mind. The mind is ...
  5. Gurudev what is the relevance of eating satvic and Ayurvedic food? Usually I like rajasic food more than satvic food.

    With rajasic food, you will have a similar rajasic mind-set as well. Do you know what a rajasic mind-set is? It is like a yo-yo. You jump up or you go down. Either you are too happy or you are too down, this is the impact of rajasic food. You can have i ...
  6. Gurudev, what is the reason behind Vitamin D and B12 deficiency? Most of the ladies are facing this issue. What is the solution other than medicines?

    It is mainly because of the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in farming. It has caused our soil to become anemic (low iron content in the soil). You get Vitamin D from the sun. If you are sitting indoors most of the time, then you should take ta ...
  7. Why don’t we introduce organic food instead of polished food for all of us here since we have got the knowledge of Ayurveda?

    Do you know that all the food grown here at the ashram is organic? All the vegetables and the milk is organic; ghee is organic. Sometimes when we don’t get enough organic supplies, then we have to go for the regular one. We need to educate the fa ...
  8. (A member of the audience asked a question and it was inaudible)

    Little food you must have. Even I’m eating little. There are people living on prana, I have seen them but they don’t look so bright. I have met not one or two, but several people who are just not eating at all. There is one gentleman on whom they ...
  9. Is a diet of raw food good for the body?

    Raw food is good but don’t overdo it. When we overdo it then it is no good. Our system from several generations is used to cooked food. According to Ayurveda, it is said if you have too much raw food, you will have vatta imbalance. Vatta ...
  10. Gurudev, is it okay to have bread, sandwiches, or noodles with vegetables?

    Yes, as long as you are having vegetables with that, it is okay. See, I am not saying you should be rigid about food and eat only certain kinds of food in breakfast, or in your meals. The important thing is to be careful and have awareness about what you a ...