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What is Sahaj Samadhi?

Sahaj Samadhi is an intense and personalized way to enter into deep states of meditation (samadhi) quickly.

It works on the power of ancient sound (called mantras) that helps cut through the constant mental chatter and lets you meditate on your own time, anywhere, and for life. You will find increased bliss, clarity, focus, and creativity as you start practicing.

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If you want to know more about the program, we have a 1-hour intro talk session with a senior faculty member.

What research says about Sahaj Samadhi


when integrated with modern treatment procedures compared with antidepressants and psychotherapy alone.


originate in the limbic cortex and precuneus of the brain while stress responses reduce significantly.

  • Cancer cases reduced by 55%
  • Cardiovascular diseases by 88%

with increased IQ, more creativity, improved focus, effortless memory and higher problem-solving skills.

Researchers of Sahaj Samadhi from the Western University Department of Psychiatry have won
the top award from the 17th World Psychiatry Congress in Berlin.

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6 clear things you will get from the Sahaj Samadhi program?

A personal mantra to in still peace of mind

You will receive clear, step-by-step instructions on how to meditate with a personal mantra. With this mantra, you can effortlessly and easily experience deep states of samadhi and thus experience physical benefits like improved cardiovascular, digestive, and respiratory functions.

Attain a state beyond waking, sleeping & dreaming

In Sanskrit, ‘Sahaj’ means effortless & ‘Samadhi’ is the ultimate state of knowledge. The latter lies at the source of thoughts. The state of ‘Samadhi’ is beyond waking, sleeping & dreaming. ‘Sahaj Samadhi’ helps you attain a profound state of unlimited peace, effortlessly.

Take-home instructions to meditate on your own

The course will teach you how to meditate on your own, 20-minutes a day without any challenges. It will equip you with all the do’s and don’ts and make you proficient in meditation within three days.

Online live and interactive training

Our meditation sessions will be live so that you can practice meditation while on the course itself and clear all your doubts. In addition, you will receive instructions from a certified meditation expert and have a small group of like-minded meditators with you.

Opportunity for regular follow-ups

After you complete your program, you will be able to connect to local and online groups and attend refresher sessions to go deeper into your meditation practice and enjoy mental benefits like stronger intuition, decision-making, longer attention spans, and more self-awareness.

No pendulum-like mind anymore

The mind that swings between past and future doesn’t let you meditate. Cut through all the mental chatter and experience stillness within your mind, body and soul even if it is for a little while.

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Know about Bhanumathi Narasimhan

Bhanumathi Narasimhan, who shares her brother Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's vision for a stress-free, violence-free world, is the chairperson of Women's Welfare and Child Care programs of The Art of Living. A devoted proponent of positive social transformation focusing on education, environment, and women’s empowerment, she believes that people can manage their negative emotions and stress by practicing meditation and breathing techniques. Throughout her decades-long experience in this field, she has helped many people regain their self-confidence and take responsibility for a harmonious society through meditation.

Frequently asked questions

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Want to learn more? Read a few of our articles on meditation written by experts

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