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  1. What you looked for, loved & lived this year: Top 12 reads of 2020

    2020 was a tough year when you learned to grapple with unexpected challenges and found new ways to forge through them. You were in good company. Thousands of others did the same, and spent time analyzing, reading, and bettering themselves. There were four ...
  2. What is the best way to cope with job loss & unemployment stress?

    The stories about job loss have now become familiar and commonplace all over the world. Daily wage earners have lost their livelihoods as companies have retrenched, and businesses have shut down with no opening date in sight. Skilled laborers, petty shop ...
  3. How to be woke and happy at the same time?

    “I wish I were a dog!”  “Why?” “They always seem so carefree, happy, and relaxed.” “Why don’t you try being that way then?” “But then I feel like I am living in denial and not facing the reality of life. I mean I want to be happy but I don’t want to be ig ...
  4. 9 practical tips to overcome depression

    Are you being weighed down by emotions like sadness, depression and anxiety? Is it becoming increasingly difficult to get out of bed? In short, are you a victim of depression? If so, then you might also be looking for solutions to break free from depressi ...
  5. Foolproof interview checklist to impress employers, get that dream job

    Every job interview you gear up for is a new process. The first begins with you submitting your application for a job vacancy and then begins the journey. There are several aspects to acing that job interview which will give a boost to your career. One fa ...
  6. Feeling low or actually diseased? Here are the top 10 myths about depression that you must know

    Since the second decade of the 21st century started, there have been two things that have progressed rapidly- technological innovations and discussions on mental health. Many elders offhandedly remark that both of these things are related. Some quip that ...
  7. The Psychological Effects of Stress: How Stress Dulls Your Mind

    By Robert Tallon | Posted: May 26, 2018 Our behavior changes drastically when we are under stress. It can cause us to ignore, shame, or abuse people we love. Stress changes our behavior and seems to change our personality, and this is why people often con ...
  8. Tips for parents and children during lockdown

    End of lockdown! Hurrah! Mom, I am going to play outside right now! I am tired of staying indoors. Being stuck inside was a nightmare for some children.  But is it safe to go out now Dad? Corona cases are on the rise. With more people outside, how can we ...
  9. How stress affects your body and brain

    Stress is a silent killer. Normally, your body and mind are enabled to give you multiple signals before the effects of stress become extreme and fatal. The question is-  have you been paying attention?  What are the effects of stress on your physical and ...
  10. Your guide to coping with quarantine fatigue

    As somebody joked: we’re on level 5 of the 2020 lockdown game. The year has been a completely different reality as we imagined it. The initial excitement of staying at home, getting a break, a ‘change’ has undergone a unique emotional journey. Excitement ...