
Feeling low or actually diseased? Here are the top 10 myths about depression that you must know

Since the second decade of the 21st century started, there have been two things that have progressed rapidly - technological innovations and discussions on mental health. Many elders offhandedly remark that both of these things are related. Some quip that we never saw depression in our times. But the wise say that they never used to talk about it. 

As we have started the third decade of the century, the world is plagued with riots, protests, fears of world wars, and most of all - a global pandemic affecting millions of people. At this time, we can be grateful that there’s an acceptable environment where people are encouraged to speak about mental health. In India, the discussion around depression has also gained more prominence.

The main problem with depression or any other mental health issue is the cure. A person affected with fever can eventually be declared cured when their body becomes normal. But, at what point does one pronounce themselves cured of depression. Because of an unfixed time frame, the stigma associated with being diseased can continue for a long time. And these stigmas lead to many myths and fears. 

Let’s discuss what are the top myths associated with depression and the reality behind them. 


Depression isn’t a real disease

Although the world has by and large recognized depression as a serious disorder, there are still many who feel that it is just a synonym for weak character or feeling sad. However, depression is a mental health disorder and it has varied emotional and biological symptoms. If you or anyone close to you thinks they are depressed then their claim should be considered fairly, leading to a consultation by a certified doctor. 


Every low thought is a sign of depression

The flipside to the cynicism about depression is the romance of it. The terms feeling sad and depressed have been used so interchangeably that if people get a series of low thoughts then they consider themselves as depressed. This is not to say that depression might not be a cause. But, there are several reasons behind feeling low. 

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, “There are many reasons why the mind feels low. One of them is time; as time goes through cycles, so does the mind. Another reason is too many desires. When the mind is clogged with too much ambition then it drains it of energy. The third reason the mind feels weak because the body is weak. Changing the sleep patterns and eating light food can change the pattern of the mind as well.”


Depression is common as you age

One of the reasons many people dismiss depression as an ailment is because they feel it is a natural part of growing up. As you age, you accumulate the stress of job, spouse, kids, and it is taken for granted that it would lead to sadness. No big deal; happens to everybody. 

It’s a fact that living in the world comes with its challenges, but depression is not something that you have to be accustomed to or live with. One wouldn’t attempt to live with even a dry cough so it would be advisable to not brush such feelings under the carpet. 


Medication is the only treatment for depression

The best thing about the open discussions of mental health was the debunking of the myth that medicines were the only treatment for depression. As mentioned before, treating the symptom is not the same as treating the underlying disease. It is just that speaking to psychiatrists and taking medications had been normalized as a way to come out of it. 

But, the best way to treat a mental health issue is to strengthen the mind. Because a future trigger can lead to another bout of depression if the mind isn’t taken care of, regularly. Yoga and meditation have proven to be the most effective tools with which you can strengthen your mind and tackle psychosomatic issues. Even Yale University in a study found that the Art of Living’s Sudarshan Kriya Yoga is an excellent way to improve the mental health of students.


The symptoms of depression are the same for everyone

A very famous workplace quote says that great minds think alike. But the real fact is that no two minds think alike because each person is original and different. This is why assuming that a complex mental health disorder like depression would affect everyone the same way is a misconception. There are some common symptoms such as fatigue, disinterest in pleasurable activities, oversleeping, and sadness. 

However, the actual symptoms may vary according to age, gender, and the individual. And the treatment for the same would also differ. It can take time to figure out the best treatment for a specific case so this should be treated with caution. 

Say yes to a healthy life

Men don’t experience depression

A popular movie quote that has been much abused goes like this: a real man doesn’t feel pain. A corollary of that line has been that men don’t experience depression and this is a female disease. Unfortunately, like any other disease, depression doesn’t discriminate based on gender. 

The only problem is that men don’t feel quite open to talking about it as they feel it may affect their manliness. There are some common symptoms when depression presents itself in males. Some of them include: 

  • Not feeling like eating or overeating
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Getting angry
  • Loss of interest in sex or any other pleasurable activity
  • Loss of memory
  • Aches and pains in the body
  • Suicidal thoughts

Although symptoms like loss of memory and feeling fatigued are common across genders, there is no reason why men should dismiss any of the symptoms they experience. 


If you’re busy it goes away

Although there have been many cases where doing something productive has removed thoughts of feeling low and lonely. And, even health experts recommend that staying close to family, doing happy tasks, or something new and creative can reduce the symptoms of depression. 

However, taking a new big task can sometimes lead to frustration, further aggravating the depressed mind. So, if you’re thinking of taking on a new project then divide it into small manageable tasks and take things easy. 


If a family member is depressed, it will catch on

There is a biological component to depression and a family history of any disease is a risk factor. But, there are several psychological and environmental factors as well that determine if one gets afflicted with depression. So, even if a parent or family member is facing, or has faced depression, in the past then it doesn’t mean that you will catch it as well.

But, if you do get ailed with depression, then it can be a comforting thought that there is a family member whom you can confide in. There is someone who knows what you are going through and quite often, empathy is the first medicine for depression. Also, if you feel that there is a family member who is going through a bout of sadness, then you should take it upon yourself to be there for them.


Depression triggers because of trauma

Trauma is a powerful event that negatively affects the mind. It has been seen that a breakup, loss of a job, death in the family, and similar traumatic events can lead a person to depression. However, these are mere triggers and the cause of the disease or the root of it is internal. It would be good if a person gets over the trauma but they would need to work more to deal with the underlying condition. 

Almost everyone in life experiences trauma. However, with the help of family members, friends, and positive life-affirming practices like Yoga and meditation, they are able to not let trauma turn into depression. So, do address the trigger and come out of the trauma. But, if you feel your mind going into depression then realise that the root cause is elsewhere and address it.


You can snap out of depression

Many times people casually advise depressed people to snap out of it. They say it is all in your head and you can easily get over it. But, our head is a sacred space and we run most of our lives from it. Any issue that is affecting our mind is a cause of concern and should be treated as such. Hence, it doesn’t matter if you’re feeling low or depressed, there are ways to deal with it and none of them involve snapping out of it.  

Yoga and meditation have shown to be excellent habits that promote excellent mind-body positivity. Sudarshan Kriya taught in the Art of Living’s Meditation and Breath Workshop has been researched to be one of the most effective counters against depression. You can also experience the power of the Sudarshan Kriya yoga and experience the benefits that millions across the world have. 

Our mind is a private space and since it is hard for others to see in it, it is hard to diagnose the ailments that come with it. However, the best thing you can do if you or your loved ones are depressed is to ignore the myths and talk about it. 

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