
Secret of getting new year
resolutions fulfilled

The untold secret of getting new year resolutions fulfilled

The new year is the time of feisty fervor, new beginnings, and hopes for a better future. An integral part of the eve is resolutions - many of which are broken sooner or later. Studies show that only 8 percent of people achieve their new year resolutions, leaving behind dashed hopes and the feeling of disappointment.

But, achieving new year resolutions doesn’t have to be such a difficult task. There is a secret weapon that can bring your hopes for the new year into reality.

The game-changer weapon is meditation.

How does meditation help in achieving new year resolutions?

Meditation makes your resolution crystal clear

The first step in making sure your resolution converts into reality is to get clarity. Many times, we are confused about what we want and confusion weakens a resolution. This stubs the seed of the resolution even before it grows.

What meditation does is augment your prana (life force) level. When your prana level increases, confusions naturally drop away. Thus, new year meditation becomes a useful tool in removing your doubts and uncertainties and pave the way for a bright resolution.

Meditation makes you strong-willed

The road to realization of a resolution is a topsy-turvy one. And, it is in the face of challenges that you need an insurmountable will to keep going with persistence.

Meditation removes all distractions from the mind, making you focussed on your resolution. Focus brings strength and the willpower required to reach your goal.


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Meditation brings the benefits of perpetual happiness

A mind bogged with frustration and despair is incapable to put 100 percent towards a chosen goal. Meditation transforms frustration into contentment and despair into happiness. A  happy mind tends to put complete effort towards a goal. It acts as a source of energy, removes obstacles like laziness and procrastination.

Meditation brings surrender

For a resolution to manifest, you must let it go into the depths of your consciousness. Otherwise, all it does is create anxiety. Meditation is the perfect tool that brings surrender and allows you to let go of your resolution.

Meditation brings you merit

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, “There are two factors that make you successful - hard work and luck. Meditation attends to the second factor. It increases your luck.” Meditation wipes off the impressions of bad karmas and increases your merit. When your merit increases, your resolutions stand a greater chance of turning true.

Take the first step towards realizing your New Year’s resolution. Try a guided meditation for New Year’s Eve. Or this new year, learn how to meditate on your own from a trained professional in an Art of Living class.

With inputs from Seema Thanedar, faculty member, The Art of Living

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