15 June 2016 - QA 5

In your point of view, what is the purpose of the business world as you see it today and what should it be?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

I see business as a means to bring happiness in life. If the end product of business is misery, I tell you, nobody would want to do it. But somehow people end up in that space because they are not clear about their goal.

The goal of business is happiness through prosperity, happiness through sharing, happiness through freedom, as freedom is the basic ingredient of happiness. If you are not free, how can you be happy, and wealth creates freedom; it is supposed to create freedom, and freedom in turn brings happiness. I think this is the goal of business. Maybe you have different thoughts about it.

So we need to move from GDP to GDH, don't you think so? The world is already moving in that direction.